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These three characters are looking for a new rental arrangement – could be anywhere from Bay City north to Astoria. The most recent address for them is not being put on the market so…time to move – in the middle of this most challenging environment.
HG is a health-care professional – working mostly from home (tele-health) so solid/reliable internet connection (as much as possible that is) will be key.
Cat is five – and the handsome redheaded boy is nine.
Please send ideas here and I will forward them on – start date should ideally be from May 1-May 15th.
Thanks in advance for any/all ideas! JW
HG is a health-care professional – working mostly from home (tele-health) so solid/reliable internet connection (as much as possible that is) will be key.
Cat is five – and the handsome redheaded boy is nine.
Please send ideas here and I will forward them on – start date should ideally be from May 1-May 15th.
Thanks in advance for any/all ideas! JW