Civic Saturday Sermon

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Anyone that wants to join me for a “Civic Saturday” sermon given by Eric Liu in 2017 is welcome to join me. The sermon is 32 minutes long and discussion afterwards is entirely optional. It will start at 10AM and invite link is Invite Link

Jim Heffernan

Manzanita Minute January 2025

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The City of Manzanita posted this Manzanita Minute for January 2025 on their website recently. In case anyone missed it, here’s a copy

January 2025
We want to wish all residents, community members, and readers a happy and great start to the new year! We also want to thank all of you who participate in and serve the City in any and all capacities, both formally and informally. Formally, our Planning Commission Chair and Vice Chair were re-elected; we had re-appointments to Planning Commission; and are currently in a selection process for our Budget Committee, appointments to occur at our Regular Session in February. We also had one new appointment to Planning Commission, Brad Berman. He introduced himself at this month’s Planning Commission meeting. You can watch here:
Brad is a third generation Oregonian, native Portlander, and has been a homeowner in Manzanita for 13 years. Professionally, he’s worked for Nike in global roles, but also in architecture, and commercial real estate development the last seven years, with varying project-types such as mixed use, and a significant amount of housing as of late. He will be a great asset to Planning Commission and the Comprehensive Plan and Housing Ordinance Update project! Welcome, Commissioner Berman!
We also had a Work Session focused on short-term rentals (STRs) during which the STR Committee presented. You can watch here: The City has heard from residents and community members in a variety of ways regarding STRs, such as through the STR Committee, the 2023 Livability survey, and complaints filed with our Code Enforcement Officer.
The City is trying to make a decision about STR policies, to create more livability for those in Manzanita through policies which constrain STR growth and potentially lessen noise and congestion (i.e., parking and traffic) which may arise from renters; while also wanting to provide adequate services to the City, which are funded in large part by our transient lodging tax (TLT) revenue, as opposed to property taxes which many other cities depend on. Due to certain Oregon measures (specifically Measures 5 and 50), Manzanita derives very little from property taxes and, therefore, must fund service-provision through different means.
We would love to receive input from our community members on this issue. Please reach out to our Council members here: There will be additional opportunities for the community to weigh-in on this issue at public hearings when and if any new policies are considered by City Council, so stay tuned.
Thank you so much to everyone who completed our second survey related to the Comprehensive Plan and Housing Ordinance Update. We garnered 76 responses which is huge for a city of our size! We also still have a few 20-mile-per-hour yard signs available for free at City Hall. Come by and pick one up if you would like to show your support for Twenty is Plenty! Lastly, the City has hired a contractor to complete some needed maintenance and repairs to the park. Parts are on order and as soon as we receive them our contractor will begin the repairs. Access to the play structure will remain closed until the repairs are complete. We are moving as quickly as we can to reopen the structure as soon as possible! Thank you for your patience during this time.
We’re off to a great 2025 thanks to all of you who serve and support our City!


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High Tide now has openings for your home or vacation rental.
I have been in business here for 10 wonderful years helping with your cleaning needs. I have many years of experience with both private homes and vacation rentals making sure everything is clean and running smoothly.
Please call me at 503-717-2585 if I can help you with cleaning needs, vacation rental or your home.

Thank you,

Manzanita Minute: January 2025

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We want to wish all residents, community members, and readers a happy and great start to the new year! We also want to thank all of you who participate in and serve the City in any and all capacities, both formally and informally. Formally, our Planning Commission Chair and Vice Chair were re-elected; we had re-appointments to Planning Commission; and are currently in a selection process for our Budget Committee, appointments to occur at our Regular Session in February. We also had one new appointment to Planning Commission, Brad Berman. He introduced himself at this month’s Planning Commission meeting.

You can watch here:

Brad is a third generation Oregonian, native Portlander, and has been a homeowner in Manzanita for 13 years. Professionally, he’s worked for Nike in global roles, but also in architecture, and commercial real estate development the last seven years, with varying project-types such as mixed use, and a significant amount of housing as of late. He will be a great asset to Planning Commission and the Comprehensive Plan and Housing Ordinance Update project! Welcome, Commissioner Berman!
We also had a Work Session focused on short-term rentals (STRs) during which the STR Committee presented.

You can watch here:

The City has heard from residents and community members in a variety of ways regarding STRs, such as through the STR Committee, the 2023 Livability survey, and complaints filed with our Code Enforcement Officer.

The City is trying to make a decision about STR policies, to create more livability for those in Manzanita through policies which constrain STR growth and potentially lessen noise and congestion (i.e., parking and traffic) which may arise from renters; while also wanting to provide adequate services to the City, which are funded in large part by our transient lodging tax (TLT) revenue, as opposed to property taxes which many other cities depend on. Due to certain Oregon measures (specifically Measures 5 and 50), Manzanita derives very little from property taxes and, therefore, must fund service-provision through different means.
We would love to receive input from our community members on this issue. Please reach out to our Council members here:

There will be additional opportunities for the community to weigh-in on this issue at public hearings when and if any new policies are considered by City Council, so stay tuned.

Thank you so much to everyone who completed our second survey related to the Comprehensive Plan and Housing Ordinance Update. We garnered 76 responses which is huge for a city of our size!

We also still have a few 20-mile-per-hour yard signs available for free at City Hall. Come by and pick one up if you would like to show your support for Twenty is Plenty!

Lastly, the City has hired a contractor to complete some needed maintenance and repairs to the park. Parts are on order and as soon as we receive them our contractor will begin the repairs. Access to the play structure will remain closed until the repairs are complete. We are moving as quickly as we can to reopen the structure as soon as possible! Thank you for your patience during this time.

We’re off to a great 2025 thanks to all of you who serve and support our City!

WARNING to all YouTube uploaders.

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Hey bbq. I create 4 genres of videos across 6 different media platforms. Recently a video hit 75,500 views on Reddit and it had a link back to the original YouTube video. There is a setting in the Details section of your YT video which allows other folks to use and edit your upload. An individual in Hamburg Germany got that video, filled it with (expletive) and spammed it all over the world.
It was my error so, my fault. I knew about it and just spaced. Attached are two screen shots to get you to the area you need to deal with.
Any questions just email and I would be glad to help. Cheers, Drew.


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Hello BBQ Community—-

Just a friendly reminder that our Winter Gear Drive continues at Rising Hearts Studio. Please bring in your new/gently used tents, tarps, blankets, sleeping bags, rain gear and rain boots, coats and hats in to the Studio and along with our community partners we will distribute to those most in need within our community.
Big THANK YOU to All whom have already dropped these items – you have made a HUGE difference in the lives of MANY – YOU ROCK! But we’re not done yet-winter has just started- there is still need. We especially need tarps and blankets! Thank you
Hope to see you soon!

Blessings- CK

Rising Hearts Studio
35840 7th St
Hwy 101, Downtown Nehalem
(503) 800-1092
“Lifting the community with education and services that promote healing on all levels.”

Manzanita Budget Where Does It Come From, Where Does It Go

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The first 2025 meeting of the Manzanita Budget Committee was held today.
If you have wondered how it all works, where our money comes from, where it goes, now is the time of year to pay attention!
City of Manzanita Budget Comm. meeting for 2025 started Tuesday, Jan. 21 at 10am. It ended up being just over an hour long.
It is recorded so if you missed it, you can catch it in reruns.
The Budget Comm. meetings will continue over the next 5 months, ending in a presentation to the City Council for Approval.
Winter and Spring 2025 is the time to pay attention and learn a bit about last year’s budget as the City looks to the new year.
This is where the facts and figures are. Here’s a link to the meeting:
For analysis of previous Budget Cycles, to see how it has worked in the past, you can always access the newsletter “Manzanita Today”, and query it by topic:

Ideas for spreading love

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Thanks,, for your post sharing your thoughts about what we can do now that the unthinkable is a reality with Donald Trump in the White House.

Here are some quotes I think we all can live by.
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only Light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only Love can do that.” Martin Luther King
“Love is all we need.” The Beatles
“Only Love can conquer hate.” Marvin Gaye
“When the Power of Love overcomes the love of power we will have peace.” Jimi Hendrix

So ANY WAY that all of us can add our bit of love to the world is to me a radical and powerful act. Let’s all be kind and do what we can to help each other. Keep the faith, stay strong and don’t let the haters win by giving up or reacting to them with hate.
Some specific ideas:
Regularly check on a neighbor who lives alone.
Help a struggling parent in line at the grocery store.
Give someone an authentic complement.
Hold your judgmental thoughts about someone.
Call a friend you haven’t talked with lately.
Reach out an olive branch to someone you have had conflict with.
Walk a friend or neighbor’s dog.
Host an informal get together with your neighbors to get to know each other better.
If you encounter hate speech from someone on line comment that you are sending them love.
Pay it forward.
Make someone laugh.
Take a walk in nature and send thanks for the beauty around us.
Pray in whatever forms calls to you. I pray that Love and Democracy will prevail and I imagine a hedge of angels surrounding Donald Trump preventing him from doing harm and giving him a “love transfusion”.

From Lane deMoll: Back in November after the election Brene Brown said somewhere that we all need to be taking micro-doses of hope. I realized that I could make an Essence of Hope. So I went out (as Pluto moved into Aquarius) and collected all the flowers that were blooming in my garden at the time, let them blend in spring water in the sun, and then added it to the last of my pear brandy. Now here it is – available in small bottles free or by donation. Or maybe it will help you keep moving forward that you just know it exists. Hang in there!

All of us carry burdens—of daily life, of old hurts and pains. Do whatever you can do to lighten someone’s load. And accept help to lighten yours.

There are lots of organizations out there fighting for justice. Here is a link to an article I received today.

Here are some ways to help locally.
Last November, everyone in Tillamook County received a copy of the 2024-25 Tillamook County Giving Guide. It’s not too late to use that as a resource for how to help local organizations doing good in our community.
Check out the link at the Tillamook County Pioneer
It’s also on the bbq website Local Resources page. Also on that page are links to Tillamook County Organizations Directories—both alphabetized and categorized that give descriptions of most of the organizations listed.

Little Coasties is a daycare program for 2 and 3 year olds in North County. They have an opportunity to open a second location but need financial help getting into the property. Check out their story in the Pioneer.

Another Pioneer article noted the opening of a Tillamook office for Consejo Hispano

Rainy Day Village helps people who are aging stay in their homes.

These are just a few of the many resources we have in our community. Give where you can and what makes sense to you! Small acts of love and kindness add up. What if the hundredth monkey tale is true that a new behavior or idea can spread rapidly through a population once a critical number of people adopt it? Maybe your act of kindness or love is the critical one!

Putting it out there

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After reading the reality of Trump’s executive orders and contemplating the ever present question, “What can I do?” I’d like to share my thoughts and hope that the US citizens and our government will work to be kind to ALL people and to preserve our earth and its beings. Here are some ideas I have to answer ”What can I do?”
-withdraw support of those in opposition to equality, kindness and a healthier planet. So I’ve deleted my social media accounts and will not use Amazon and shop locally even more.
-support organizations that have the means to fight back such as ACLU, Stand Tall Oregon, NCCWP…
-pay attention and respond to local politics that do not support my beliefs and those that do
Perhaps some of you will take action as well if not already doing so. I’m sure there are great ideas out there!

Words Matter

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Words Matter
By Kim Rosenberg

“When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they can seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall. Think of it–always.”
Mahatma Gandhi
“Power without love is reckless and abusive, and love without power is sentimental and anemic. Power at its best is love implementing the demands of justice, and justice at its best is power correcting everything that stands against love.”
Martin Luther King Jr.
People show you who they are by their actions and by the words they choose. Pretend someone doesn’t mean what they say or what they do and live to find out otherwise. As long as the words and actions are pointed at other people, you’ll be fine. Pretend that the handful of millionaires and billionaires who are in power aren’t using their power to benefit themselves while maintaining control of the world’s resources. They accrue their wealth by standing on the backs of those who are without wealth, without power and without a voice. And we let them do it because we bought the lie they sold us—that our differences are something to be feared and hated.
Sometimes we ignore the differences between us because we’re afraid of saying the wrong thing. We are fearful and suspicious of differences when we don’t know people who aren’t like us. We allow those differences to separate us from each other and we lose a powerful force for change. Community.
As William Stafford wrote in his poem, A Ritual to Read to Each Other:
“If you don’t know the kind of person I am
and I don’t know the kind of person you are
a pattern that others made may prevail in the world
and following the wrong god home we may miss our star….
For it is important that awake people be awake,
or a breaking line may discourage them back to sleep;
the signals we give — yes or no, or maybe —
should be clear: the darkness around us is deep.”
On this MLK day I want to paraphrase director David Lynch, let’s keep our eyes on the donut, kids not on the hole.

Posting on behalf of Kim Rosenberg

Long live the Snowy Plovers and Whales

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Whew, I was tromped on when I brought up the fact that President Trump promised to halt offshore wind. More than a few people said he didn’t care about our plovers or whales.

Day one executive order today! BOOM!

He even spoke about the whales and birds (again) at one of his rally’s. Is Oregon really paying people $3,000 to kill one owl to save another? Have you heard of this craziness?

An Oligarchy taking shape in America Heather Cox Richardson Jan 16

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First of all: right on who is not going to “work together” on Trump’s agenda. I agree.

Here is part of Heather Cox Richardson’s post of Jan 16. You can listen to the whole podcast here.

From Heather Cox Richardson:
In his final address to the nation last night, President Joe Biden issued a warning that “an oligarchy is taking shape in America of extreme wealth, power, and influence that literally threatens our entire democracy, our basic rights and freedoms, and a fair shot for everyone to get ahead.”

It is not exactly news that there is dramatic economic inequality in the United States. Economists call the period from 1933 to 1981 the “Great Compression,” for it marked a time when business regulation, progressive taxation, strong unions, and a basic social safety net compressed both wealth and income levels in the United States. Every income group in the U.S. improved its economic standing.

That period ended in 1981, when the U.S. entered a period economists have dubbed the “Great Divergence.” Between 1981 and 2021, deregulation, tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations, the offshoring of manufacturing, and the weakening of unions moved $50 trillion from the bottom 90% of Americans to the top 1%.

Biden tried to address this growing inequality by bringing back manufacturing, fostering competition, increasing oversight of business, and shoring up the safety net by getting Congress to pass a law—the Inflation Reduction Act—that enabled Medicare to negotiate drug prices for seniors with the pharmaceutical industry, capping insulin at $35 for seniors, for example. His policies worked, primarily by creating full employment which enabled those at the bottom of the economy to move to higher-paying jobs. During Biden’s term, the gap between the 90th income percentile and the 10th income percentile fell by 25%.

But Donald Trump convinced voters hurt by the inflation that stalked the country after the coronavirus pandemic shutdown that he would bring prices down and protect ordinary Americans from the Democratic “elite” that he said didn’t care about them. Then, as soon as he was elected, he turned for advice and support to one of the richest men in the world, Elon Musk, who had invested more than $250 million in Trump’s campaign.

Musk’s investment has paid off: Faiz Siddiqui and Trisha Thadani of the Washington Post reported that he made more than $170 billion in the weeks between the election and December 15.

Musk promptly became the face of the incoming administration, appearing everywhere with Trump, who put him and pharmaceutical entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy in charge of the so-called Department of Government Efficiency, where Musk vowed to cut $2 trillion out of the U.S. budget even if it inflicted “hardship” on the American people.

News broke earlier this week that Musk, who holds government contracts worth billions of dollars, is expected to have an office in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building adjacent to the White House. And the world’s two other richest men will be with Musk on the dais at Trump’s inauguration. Musk, Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, and Meta chief executive officer Mark Zuckerberg, who together are worth almost a trillion dollars, will be joined by other tech moguls, including the CEO of OpenAI, Sam Altman; the CEO of the social media platform TikTok, Shou Zi Chew; and the CEO of Google, Sundar Pichai.

At his confirmation hearing before the Senate Committee on Finance today, Trump’s nominee for Treasury Secretary, billionaire Scott Bessent, said that extending the 2017 Trump tax cuts was “the single most important economic issue of the day.” But he said he did not support raising the federal minimum wage, which has been $7.25 since 2009 although 30 states and dozens of cities have raised the minimum wage in their jurisdictions.

There have been signs lately that the American people are unhappy about the increasing inequality in the U.S. On December 4, 2024, a young man shot the chief executive officer of the health insurance company UnitedHealthcare, which has been sued for turning its claims department over to an artificial intelligence program with an error rate of 90% and which a Federal Trade Commission report earlier this week found overcharged cancer patients by more than 1,000% for life-saving drugs. Americans championed the alleged killer.

It is a truism in American history that those interested in garnering wealth and power use culture wars to obscure class struggles. But in key moments, Americans recognized that the rise of a small group of people—usually men—who were commandeering the United States government was a perversion of democracy.

(The balance of her post gives historical evidence of some of those key moments.)


Lawsuit Against Manzanita Dismissed

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Lawsuit Against Manzanita Dismissed
It is heartening to read that the frivolous lawsuit filed against the City of Manzanita by Laura Swanson, Randy Kugler and Will Stone has been dismissed by summary judgement. Manzanita wins, as do all but three of us. If you go to the City of Manzanita website, there is a wealth of information–specifically if you follow the link to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), and scroll down you can read about all sorts of actual facts and information:…


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The 45th President, his cronies taking positions of authority in his Cabinet/administration, the majority of Republicans in Congress are a real/active threat to me, my way of life/most of people I love.
People say we should give him a chance and should “work together” with him as he won.

My response I WON’T
forget how badly he/many others treated Pres Obama for 8 years. Lies of legitimacy/hatred for his principles/his attempts to work within the system.

Won’t “work together” to privatize Medicare, cut Social Security/ Medicaid.
Wont” work together” to subvert the Constitution by illegitimately pushing unfit Cabinet nominees thru recess appointments without advice/consent of Senate.
Won’t “work together” to build a wall.
Won’t “work together” to persecute Muslims.
Won’t “work together” to shutout refugees from other countries.
Won’t “work together” to lower taxes on the 1% to increase taxes on middle class/poor.
Won’t “work together” to help him use the Presidency to line pockets those of his family/ cronies.
Won’t “work together” to weaken/demolish environmental protection.
Won’t “work together” to sell US lands, or Nat Parks, to companies which then despoil those lands.
Won’t “work together” to enable killing of whole species of animals because they’re predators/inconvenient for a few, to get thrills kills.
Won’t “work together” to remove civil rights from anyone.
Won’t “work together” to alienate countries, our allies as long as I’ve been alive.
Won’t “work together” to slash funding for education.
Won’t “work together” to take basic assistance from people at bottom of socioeconomic ladder.
Won’t “work together” to get rid of common sense regulations on guns.
Won’t “work together” to eliminate minimum wage.
Won’t “work together” to support so-called “Right To Work” laws/ undermine/weaken Unions.
Won’t “work together” to suppress scientific research on climate change, fracking or any issue where majority of scientists are wrong on facts.
Won’t “work together” to criminalize abortion/restrict health care for women.
Won’t “work together” to put “big money” into politics.
Won’t “work together” to violate Geneva Convention.
Won’t “work together” to give KKK, Nazi Party and white supremacists seats at table to normalize hatred.
Won’t “work together” to deny healthcare to anyone.
Won’t “work together” to deny medical coverage to people on basis of “pre-existing condition.”
Wont “work together” to increase voter suppression.
Won’t “work together” to eliminate/reduce ethical oversight at any level of government.
Won’t sexual harassment, abuse or rape.
Won’t target LGBTQIA+ as abnormal/ having fewer rights.
Won’t normalize J6 insurrection as “patriotism.”
Won’t support pipeline to transport oil on Sacred Ground for Native Americans to run under the Missouri River, the drinking water for millions.
Won’t “work together” to legitimize racism, sexism or authoritarianism.
WILL stand for honesty, love, and respect for all living beings.
WILL use my voice/hands, to reach out to uninformed that “winning”, “being great again”, “rich” or “beautiful” is nothing when others are sacrificed to glorify its existence.

How Does Municipal Finance Work in Manzanita and the World

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The City of Manzanita website has a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page that is quite handy. In this particular case, if you go to it:…/2025-01-17-Often-Asked… you can scroll/click through it to read the clear explanation of how municipal funding works. It is made clear that resident Kugler’s recent BBQ post is based on a fundamental misunderstanding of how an “Enterprise Fund” works, along with some other fundamental misunderstandings and mischaracterizations of fact.


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Hi bbq land.
We live in a world where so much has become disposable. Our kid’s and their kids need to know the people and places they come from. Save those old 8mm, micro cassettes, VHS and DVDs by converting into digital files that will last for many generations to come.
It is easy, affordable ($15 first hour $5 per additional hour of recording) and local. Drop them off at my home office in Bayside Gardens, Nehalem and pick them up a few days later. I can edit and usually correct any hiccups your tapes and discs have developed over the years.
Please drop me an email with any questions and let’s work together to ensure our family histories stays alive and well. Cheers, Drew.


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High Tide now has openings for your home or vacation rental.
I have been in business here for 10 wonderful years helping with your cleaning needs. I have many years of experience with both private homes and vacation rentals making sure everything is clean and running smoothly.
Please call me at 503-717-2585 if I can help you with cleaning needs, vacation rental or your home.

Thank you,

Water Fund Controversy Spills Over To City Hall Project

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The City has assured us that charges for staff administrative support services are based on their model  that “allocates administrative overhead to each fund or department.” All City Funds are therefore subject to the model’s charges. Since Police, Parks, Non Department and Court are wholly funded  by and within the General Fund, the City exempts them from the model’s overhead charges since there is no fund transfer opportunity available.
By the City’s own explanation and definitions, the City Hall project for the past three years should have been reimbursing City staff for their administrative support for the planning and construction of this project. During this period, the Water Operating Fund has been charged $558,707 while the City Hall Expansion Fund has been charged nothing.
In fact, according to the City’s model, the administrative support required for the City Hall project exceeds the same administrative support required by the Water Operating Fund during this time period. 
We are told that best accounting practices require legitimate and necessary staff administrative costs for the Water Operating Fund must be charged and recovered. These same  costs for the City Hall Expansion Fund however, are a political liability and were eliminated from both the project and City Budget. The City Manager admits that indirect transfers for administrative support of capital construction projects is appropriate and budgeted those costs as transfers to the General Fund for the water system portion of the recently completed Dorcus Lane construction project. Now that construction of City Hall is well underway, not a single dollar of administrative reimbursement has ever been charged to the project. 
The City concluded that a vote on a new City Hall was not necessary. The Council would simply take out a loan as the General Fund would have adequate funds for both current services and be able to take on an additional annual $200,000 or more in loan debt for the next twenty years. Adding another $600,000 of staff administrative costs to the City Hall Expansion Fund these past three years for the planning and construction of this project would have complicated the “no vote necessary” marketing narrative that was presented to us for the City Hall project.
Any City policy that can not withstand fact checks and requires its officials to constantly engage in contradictory, confusing and ever changing explanations is simply bad policy. The City’s practice seems to be  selective administrative cost reimbursement applying it almost exclusively in those instances where water utility revenue is present which then becomes available for transfer to the General Fund where it can then be spent on anything the City desires. 
Manzanita has a problem with its General Fund. General Fund revenues have been and continue to be  insufficient to keep pace with costs, particularly the explosive growth of costs of general Administration, short term rental management and Police  services. When will this Council acknowledge this fact, stop the accounting gymnastics and raiding the City Water Funds to prop up the General Fund and start the conversation with citizens about how to solve this problem?
Randy Kugler

Citizenship Muscle

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Develop Your Citizenship Muscles
Whatever your political point of view, the best thing you can do to insure our future is to develop a sense of Civic religion. I’m not talking about Church religion. I do believe we would all be better off if more of us did take part in Church religion, but that’s another story.
Civic religion asks us to be fervent, practicing citizens, instead of the end-units in a chain of consumerism.
I am presenting a series of 30 minute “sermons” given by Eric Liu in Seattle between November 14, 2016 and August 18, 2018. They are all dedicated to the idea of making us “sworn-again” citizens. They are each a “stand-alone” sermon that is not dependent on any of the other sermons for clarity.
I will be hosting a “Civic Saturday” and a “Civic Sunday” on zoom each weekend at 10AM. Sunday is simply a repeat of Saturday, It will be listening to the sermon for about 30 minutes, followed by discussion or not.
Recordings of sermons are available by request at
The zoom invite link for the 10AM Saturday sermon is
The zoom invite link for the 10AM Sunday sermon is

I won’t be asking anyone to join anything, I’m just inviting you to listen.
If you have any questions, contact me at

New Coastal Community Creatives Group

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An open space for creatives of all kinds to come together, learn, and be inspired by one another.

Everyone is welcome!

Whether you’re a seasoned artist, a beginner, or simply looking to connect with others who share your passion for creativity.

Bring your latest project (or the one gathering dust in your closet) and let’s share ideas, skills, and inspiration. You might even leave with a new friend!

Community Giving:

An optional donation each week will go to the White Clover Grange fund for building upkeep. We’ll also collect canned food donations for the local food bank.

We will meet at the White Clover Grange on Thursdays from 1:00 P.M. – 4:00 P.M. and once a month on Saturday, if there is enough interest and if the Grange is available. The first meeting is scheduled for Thursday January 30th. Please come 15 minutes early to get set up.

We will host teachers of all genres who are willing to share their skills and expertise with the community, starting with Dori Bash teaching Quilt Making for Beginners, and Glenna Gray teaching Needle Felting (there will be a fee for this class for materials) with a possible Wet Felting class to follow. Are you passionate about something you’d like to teach? We’d love to have you!

For more information and for a list of equipment and materials needed for the quilting class, please email Cindy at


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With the temperature’s now dropping below the 40’s
Rodents are actively seeking warm dry places to nest
Wreaking havoc on insulation , electrical, plumbing.
Potentially causing health issues among many other issues.
APM Pest Control Services is now scheduling for
Full exclusion of Rats , Mice.
We seal up your home from all rodents.
Disinfecting and neutralizing odors from urine and feces.
A bait box service will not help you keep the rodents from your home.
Give us a call

Writing Coach Available

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I’ve been teaching writing for 35 years, first at community colleges and lastly at the University of Washington, where I directed the English Dept. Writing Center.

Since 2012, I’ve been working one-to-one with clients, teaching them to write better with a foundation in the dynamics of clear, efficient style. For the first lesson, we meet in-person, then continue meeting weekly over video.

I also edit academic writing, mainly dissertations and research publications.

Reference North Coast BBQ and get 25% off my standard rate.


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The election has been over for a while. Hatred, animosity, etc. driven by main-stream media has slightly cooled, but not by much.We need to be always divided. Divided We Fall is an adage, a truth! Who wants us to fall? That is a question we need to ask – Who?

I like the color purple in regard to American politics – It means a balance between left and right. I feel this is needed for a government that serves ALL the people.
But we are continuously coached into divisiveness by mainstream media, to our great loss.

California is turning slightly purple in the counties, simply out of survival. California, a deep blue state, is a trashed state. And Oregon is next in line, and the state of Washington too! Who wants us trashed?

The 1%!! And they have the money and the power to do it! A handful of billionaires, a handful of giant corporations and banks, have a plan for this planet!! They do! A one world order where they decide on the number of us that will be allowed to live on it. They will control the population numbers! They will strictly control the individual, even better than China does!!

The World Economic Forum – known as the WEF – put on a series, which you could watch on you tube. It is over now but you probably can still watch it. This series told you what the new world is going to be like, and what they propose for humans in the future.

Build Back Better – Biden’s slogan! What the Build, Back Better people don’t tell you, is that to build back better, everything has to be torn down first, and that is happening now.

Promoting criminal behavior In Oregon, A SILENT WEAPON IN A QUIET WAR: I recently saw George Soros on a news program – He donated billions to the election of district attorneys all over this country who promised not to prosecute criminal behavior. That is why crime has burgeoned in many states, including Oregon, and that is why the citizens in Portland and surrounding areas who were very angry at the increase in crime, finally voted in a DA that promised to prosecute criminals.

Another Adage: civilization cannot exist without a system of law and order, because laws provide the framework for social structure, protect individuals from harm, and enable a society to function cohesively and peacefully, essentially defining the very concept of civilization. 

Whose idea was it to defund the police? Probably the 1%!

WASHINGTON — House Republicans today released the draft fiscal year 2025 Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies funding bill, which will be considered in subcommittee tomorrow. The legislation DEFUNDS LAW ENFORCE –
MENT, makes us less safe, and hurts our economy.
For 2025, the bill provides $80.5 billion for law enforcement, a decrease of $1.3 billion – 2 percent – below 2024.
Yes, the one percent has plenty of money to pass around to everyone, both blue and red, who can help them with their QUIET WAR. You need to be able to recognize these SILENT WEAPONS and take action.

A request to older drivers on 101

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Dear friends and neighbors, in recent trips up and down 101, I’ve noticed a number of older drivers driving 15 or more miles an hour below the speed limit.

I just followed someone from Arch Cape to the Laneda Drive turn in manzanita. They were driving an older black SUV whose top speed was 42 miles an hour slowing to below 35 in the curves.

Weather isn’t bad, no cars in front, 15 cars following.

This is dangerous. Impatient drivers will pass when they shouldn’t, cars stacked up like this are a hazard and against the law.

It’s unsafe and rude.

Please work on situational awareness while driving.

If this doesn’t apply to you, then keep you’re blood pressure down and chill!

House Cleaning & Dog Walking Services

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Hi I’m Eileen, you may know me as one of the servers at Wanda’s, but I am looking for side jobs on my off time! Looking to help local people with house cleaning and dog walking as those are two things I have experience with and enjoy doing.
Available all day Sunday-Tuesday or
After 3pm Wednesday-Saturday
Please contact me by text or call @ (971) 326-0618
Thank you!