Resolve Mole/vole problems

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Moles were tearing up my lawn and flower beds. I purchased multiple products but none of them worked and the problem was getting worse. Jason at Thompson Trapping LLC came twice and was able to completely get rid of the moles and they have not returned. I am posting because I am so grateful to have this problem solved. He responds best to texts at 1-805-503-3188.

Manzanita legal bills – two sides to the story

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Several people have complained that an outspoken Manzanita citizen has cost the city a lot of money for legal fees. One person stated that the legal bills amounted to 15 thousand dollars.

“We can now put a beginning price to one citizen’s ego. It’s unfortunate that we as Manzanita residents have to pay the price …”

But what they don’t explain is the reason for challenging the city. The reason is that the outspoken person is questioning the city’s water billing and budgeting practices. He wants the city to lower residential water bills. He is on the side of the Manzanita water customer.

One issue the citizen raises is the contention that the city gains a couple hundred thousand dollars from the water system fund. Another issue the citizen has raised is that the city changed to monthly water billing in order to increase revenue from residential water bills.

So, even though the city may have to pay 15 thousand in legal bills, the flip side of that argument is that the city may stand to gain 20 times that, perhaps nearly a quarter million dollars from the water fund, at the cost of residents having to pay more on their water bills.

We Manzanita water customers may not have all the facts. But a case can be made that the city can do better about lowering our water bills. So, it is not clear at all that the issue is “one citizen’s ego”. And promoting such a one-sided argument does a disservice to Manzanita water customers.

Manzanita city seems to be run pretty well, even excellent perhaps. But there are always ways to improve things. That should be our goal.

Manzanitas Legal Bills Thank you Kim

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Thanks Kim for taking so much time to research and publish information and various links where we can all access the facts for ourselves. I appreciate your tenacity and attention to detail. The results of your efforts paint a painful financial picture for Manzanita. We can now put a beginning price to one citizen’s ego. It’s unfortunate that we as Manzanita residents have to pay the price in U.S. dollars. Your article acts as a clarion call to not further enable his reckless and senseless attacks. Our city government and volunteers deserve better. We all deserve better.


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By Taxpayers Association of Oregon & Foundation,
We know there is a lot of negativity and bad news in Oregon …
… so we aimed to try focus on the positive.
We asked Taxpayers Association of Oregon supporters which elected officials are doing a great job.
There were 422 responses highlighting 40 elected officials, and we highlighted the top seven and their score based upon being in the top seven.
U.S. Congressman Cliff Bentz came in at #1 with a 28% share. Congressman Bentz is known for being very involved in protecting the rights of farmers and ranchers in rural Oregon at a time when Oregon farmland is shrinking and many federal regulations are harming agriculture. Respondents feel that Congressman Cliff Bentz is a helpful, effective and responsive defining voice for rural Oregon. Respondents noted his support for Oregon veterans.
In fact, within minutes of this article posting, someone commented on Facebook, “Cliff Bentz had been really helpful to me when dealing with the DOE. Had a problem with them for years, he solved it in a couple months. Very responsive… Always dead on in the issues that matter to me.“
U.S. Congresswoman Lori Chavez-DeRemer came in at #2 with a 23% share. Chavez-DeRemer was noted by respondents for her advocacy against the problems with tolling Interstate-5 and Interstate-205 as projects were leaving citizens without a proper chance to be heard or a public vote.
Oregon State Senator Dennis Linchicum came in at #3 with a 17% share. Respondents noted Linthicum work to help protect the rights of parents and the rights of charter schools, at a time when public school enrollment is declining and vulnerable parents are being denied choices to choose better options.
Oregon State Senator Brian Boquist came in at #4 with a 10% share. Respondents noted Boquist’s support for both veterans and current military service members.
Oregon State Senator Tim Knopp came in at #5 with a 9% share. Respondents noted Knopp’s work to kill the carbon tax which would have increased gas tax prices by as much as 72-cents and for Knopp’s work to protect the people’s Kicker Income Tax Refund which has successfully been working as intended since Knoppp helped enshrine the law into the Constitution a few decades ago.
Oregon State Representative Kevin Mannix was the only State Representative to break into the top 7 with a #6 rank and a 7% share. Respondents appreciated Representative’s Mannix work on behalf of crime victims.
Oregon State Senator David Brock Smith came in at #7 with a 6%. Respondents appreciated State Senator David Brock Smith’s work to roll back Measure 100 failed drug experiment and his advocacy for sane timber policies.
Oregon is going through a difficult period and it is important to highlight those who are effective and making a connection with the public.

perspective of Senator Jeff Merkley Jim Hightower and Jonathan Cohn

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From Senator Jeff Merkley

Yesterday, President Biden decided to step aside from the 2024 presidential campaign.
Let’s all give a wholehearted thank you to President Biden for everything he’s achieved so far. No president in my lifetime has done more than Joe Biden.
Under his leadership, we’ve had historic investments in American manufacturing, renewable energy, and infrastructure, strengthened our security, and repaired relationships around the world.
Throughout decades of public service, President Biden has led with humility and compassion, with a laser focus on making life better for ordinary Americans. I am grateful to have worked with him to serve the people and stand up to the powerful, and I respect his decision that positions us to protect the programs he’s championed.
This election is between democracy and autocracy. And we need the strongest Democratic candidate to take on and beat Donald Trump and his MAGA agenda. That’s why I proudly endorse Vice President Kamala Harris for president.
Kamala Harris shares my mission of taking on the powerful to deliver for the people. She will fight for reproductive rights, American jobs, and security abroad. She will champion housing, education, healthcare, and equal rights.

From Jim Hightower
On Joe, Kamala, and the Coming Fight
JUL 23

My instant feeling upon hearing that President Biden was stepping down was not political anxiety (aw jeez, another earthquake!), and certainly not any joy in seeing Joe deposed—but pure relief. Suddenly, the deck was shuffled, and now (not a moment too soon), we have a good hand, allowing us to focus squarely on Donald’s dangerous dementia, Project 2025, and the assault on America’s democracy by the combined forces of authoritarian elites and Christian nationalist theocrats.
Kamala Harris is our logical political choice to head up job number one: Discombobulate and defeat Trumpism. An accomplished woman, a woman of color, and a child of immigrants, she’s an experienced and forceful former prosecutor with the smarts to nail the convicted criminal opposing her… and us. Sure, her policies are not as progressive as I want them to be, but neither were Biden’s, and her views are something we can continue to work on. If Trump wins in November, we won’t have even a slight chance to shape the future of an America that stands for, and with, everyone.
While the urgent need in the next 104 (!) days is to focus on the November election, I can’t stress enough that we are in this for the long haul. Campaigns end, movements don’t. We must continue to invest in the local, grassroots organizing that actually bends that long arc of justice, building the capacity to have policies and people that represent the real values of America: fairness, equity and opportunity for all.
How History Might Remember Joe Biden’s Presidency
By Jonathan Cohn

Manzanita’s Legal Bills

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Manzanita’s Legal Bills

Posting on behalf of Kim Rosenberg

I don’t usually use private citizen’s names in what I write unless the person is identified in public documents or identifies themselves as an expert in the community because of their former professional role.
Randy Kugler was the City Manager in Manzanita from 1988-1996 and in Philomath, Oregon from 1996 until he retired in 2014.
Mr. Kugler filed a referendum about monthly versus quarterly water billing, which will be on the ballot in November. Of the four initiatives he has filed, none meets all the criteria to go on the ballot, but he can resubmit any of the ones that were denied or submit new ones.
Each initiative requires legal time and staff time every time it is submitted. We pay for both. This month’s bill from Miller Nash is about $11,000.
In addition to legal fees for the initiatives, Randy Kugler, Will Stone and Laura Swanson, the editor of the Pioneer, are now suing the City of Manzanita to release the results of the investigation into the employee complaint against the former mayor.
There was a total of four requests to release those results and the Tillamook County DA denied all four.
I made a public records request to see if there were other legal costs associated with requests Mr. Kugler has made in the past two years. Most requests don’t necessitate the City Lawyer’s time, but from July of 2022 to June 28, 2024, the City has paid $15,112.50 in legal fees associated with Mr. Kugler’s requests. That doesn’t count staff time just legal fees.
In his July 10 email included in the July Council Meeting Packet, Mr. Kugler wrote, “One of the outcomes of my social media posts has been citizens taking opportunities to talk to me and sending me their comments and email addresses requesting to be kept informed of City activities.”
There are several ways a citizen can learn about the City’s activities from firsthand sources like attending meetings, asking questions of City Staff and Council, reading documents on the City’s website, and doing research to learn more about how local Oregon government works on any of a number of websites. You can do your own homework and form your own opinions. I’ve included links to the source material for this post.
After reading his post, some citizens who own homes and vote here asked to be added to Mr. Kugler’s email update listserv but weren’t.
Links to sources used:
Water billing post:
July Council Packet (scroll past agenda to page 12 for Miller Nash legal fees and pages 32-35 for emails):
July Council Meeting (discussion of bills and lawsuit in first part of the meeting):
Lawsuit document (cut and paste into your browser):

Groundbreaking Celebrated for New Health Center

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Groundbreaking Celebration for Nehalem Bay Health Center

(Wheeler) – Formal groundbreaking for the new Nehalem Bay Health Center and Pharmacy took place July 20, 2024 with a crowd of nearly 100 north coast residents celebrating the beginning of construction of the 16,000 square foot state-of-the-art facility.

Ground improvements on the 1.3 acres site owned by the Nehalem Bay Health District are scheduled to begin August 1 and construction is expected to take 13 months.

Special guests at the groundbreaking ceremony included Wheeler Mayor Clif Kemp, Oregon state senator Suzanne Weber, Tillamook County Commissioner Erin Skaar, Manzanita Mayor Kathryn Stock and field representatives with U.S. Senator Jeff Merkley and Congresswoman Suzanne Bonamici.

New Facility Will Allow Expanded Services

The new Health Center will replace an existing community clinic that was built in the early 1980s and has become too small to accommodate more patients and offer new services. The new Health Center will triple the size of the existing facility, have 15 exam and treatment rooms, a dental suite, x-ray, an expanded pharmacy, behavioral health facilities and a community room with teaching kitchen.

Speakers at the groundbreaking, including Health District board president Marc C. Johnson and Health Center CEO Gail Nelson, stressed that the new facility is designed to serve the north coast community far into the future with expanded services and the ability to address the needs of more patients close to where they live.

The Health District is the owner/developer of the new Health Center. The local non-profit Nehalem Bay Health Center, as it does currently, will lease the new facility and employ health care staff.

Federal Grant Jump Started the Community Effort

Senator Merkley helped jump start the project in late 2022 when he secured a $3 million federal grant to help fund construction. Health District voters, by a nearly 70% margin, then approved a general obligation bond measure in May 2023 that provides additional funding for the Health Center, as well as addressing renovations at the Nehalem Valley Care Center, the region’s only skilled nursing and rehabilitation facility. The Health District’s three-part strategic plan also envisions development of workforce housing to help address the area’s serious housing shortage, including particularly housing for health care workers.

The Oregon Legislature with the strong endorsement of Senator Weber and Representative Cyrus Javadi approved a $2 million appropriation earlier this year that further supports the effort.

Strong Support from Foundations and Individuals

Johnson, the Health District board president, said the District is grateful for financial support committed to date from a variety of Oregon Foundations, individuals and businesses.

For example the Roundhouse Foundation, a central Oregon-based foundation that supports many projects in rural Oregon, provided a grant earmarked to support construction of the new pharmacy facility. Availability of pharmacy services in rural Oregon is an issue of particular importance to the foundation, which has backed strategies to preserve and enhance those services.

The Ford Family Foundation, another Oregon foundation that assists organizations in rural Oregon, has provided grant funding for construction.

The Samuel S. Johnson Foundation (the family foundation of former north coast state senator Betsy Johnson) donated to offset construction costs, and the Health District endorsed Senator Johnson’s suggestion that the Community Room in the new facility be named in honor of a long-time health care and community advocate. That room will be christened the Leila Newhouse Salmon Community Room. Mrs. Salmon, a former Health Center board member, attended the groundbreaking.

Another recent grant came to the Health District from the Sam Wheeler Fund administered by the Oregon Community Foundation. Wheeler was a giant in the Oregon forest products industry, and his grandfather was namesake to the community of Wheeler. The new Health Center and Pharmacy is being constructed on property once owned by the Wheeler Lumber Company.

The Manzanita branch of 1st Security Bank of Washington has also contributed financially to the Health District for its projects.

Grants and Fundraising Stretches Local Bond Dollars

Johnson emphasized that while significant financial resources from a variety of sources have been made available to the Health District an emphasis has been placed on careful stewardship of the community generated bond funding. “Every dollar we have raised – and will raise – is stretching those bond dollars even farther,” Johnson said.

The District and Health Center are continuing to pursue grant funding for construction and equipment, as well as for naming opportunities related to the new Health Center.

A new “donate” feature has also been added to the Health District website:

Scott Edwards Architects designed the new Health Center. Bremik Construction is serving as the construction manager and general contractor, while the Klosh Group is serving as the District’s owner’s representative.


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“Joe Biden was discarded by the same billionaire class he assiduously served throughout his political career. Barely able to stumble his way through the words on a TelePrompter and not always cognizant of what is happening around him, his billionaire supporters pulled the plug. He was their creature – he has been in federal office for 47 years – from start to finish. He was used as a foil to defeat Bernie Sanders in the 2020 primaries and was anointed as the candidate in 2024 in a Soviet-style primary campaign. The billionaire class will now anoint someone else. Democratic Party voters are stage props in this political farce. Donald Trump, unlike Kamala Harris or any other apparatchik the billionaire class selects as a presidential candidate, has a genuine and committed base, however fascistic.

In Hitler and the Germans , the political philosopher Eric Vogelin dismisses the idea that Hitler — gifted in oratory and political opportunism but poorly educated and vulgar — mesmerized and seduced the German people. The Germans, he writes, supported Hitler and the “grotesque, marginal figures” surrounding him because he embodied the pathologies of a diseased society, one beset by economic collapse and hopelessness. Voegelin defines stupidity as a “loss of reality.” The loss of reality means a “stupid” person cannot “rightly orient his action in the world, in which he lives.” The demagogue, who is always an idiote , is not a freak or social mutation. The demagogue expresses the society’s zeitgeist. Biden and the Democratic Party are responsible for this zeitgeist.

They orchestrated the deindustrialization of the United States, ensuring that 30 million workers lost their jobs in mass layoffs. As I write in America, The Farewell Tour, this assault on the working class created a crisis that forced the ruling elites to devise a new political paradigm. Trumpeted by a compliant media, this paradigm shifted its focus from the common good to race, crime and law and order. Biden was at the epicenter of this paradigm shift. Those undergoing profound economic and political change were told that their suffering stemmed not from rampant militarism and corporate greed but from a threat to national integrity. The old consensus that buttressed New Deal programs and the welfare state was attacked as enabling criminal Black youth, “welfare queens” and other alleged social parasites. This opened the door to a faux populism, begun by Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher, which supposedly championed family values, traditional morality, individual autonomy, law and order, the Christian faith and the return to a mythical past, at least for white Americans. The Democratic Party, especially under Bill Clinton and Biden, became largely indistinguishable from the establishment Republican Party to which it is now allied.

The Democratic Party refuses to accept its responsibility for the capture of democratic institutions by a rapacious oligarchy, the grotesque social inequality, the cruelty of predatory corporations and an unchecked militarism. The Democrats will anoint another amoral politician, probably Harris, to use as a mask for outsized corporate greed, the folly of endless war, the facilitation of genocide and the assault on our most basic civil liberties. The Democrats, tools of Wall Street, gave us Trump, and the 74 million people who voted for him in 2020. They look set to give us Trump again. God help us.”

Tired, sad, dried wood flooring????

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Brighten up your wood floors and give them some new life for a fraction of the cost to refinish!
Call or message to book a bid


******We also offer AMAZING CARPET CLEANING SERVICES as well!!!!!

Bee’s HouseCleaning Service

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Hi! everyone if you’re looking for housekeeping. I have 13+yrs of experience housecleaning and have references. Please let me know. Also have my own equipment and supplies.

My availability is now open is subject to change.

Areas I’ll be serving in Manzanita,Nehalem,Wheeler,Rockaway Beach, Garibaldi and Bay City. Any further will be extra for gas.

I can do move out, deep cleaning and many more. Just message me and I’ll communicate with you and if you’re on a budget.


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Thank you Chuck and Barbara for continuing your valuable work to provide our community with the BBQ, which has now grown into what Chuck imagined it could be; a village green where anyone is free to share, announce, advocate, persuade, dissuade, advise, report on and opine about local and global events. This venue for expression is unique and anyone who visits it regularly can take the pulse of our tri-city community and find out “what’s going on”.
Regarding discord from “political” discourse, I would say that almost anything can be considered political. It is just a word basket we throw ideas and opinions into w’ed rather not discuss for fear of exposure to new ideas, vested interests and egos; heated emotions. Policy. That’s what politics is. Shared ideas and information result in policies whether in the family, the city or the nation. Once they are “written”, policies can take on a life of their own and history has shown it’s worth everyone’s time to hammer them out, as in, beat it from one side, flip it over and beat it some more. The idea is to explore options, gather information and try on opposing perspectives.

On that note, I will throw out an opinion, my own, and it is definitely political.
It has got to be obvious that whoever, whatever one considers the Democratic Party Controllers to be, they have gambled and already lost with the present administration. Not a single poll will show President Biden wining against Trump in November. And, I don’t think anyone on their bench will do any better. That boat is on the rocks so in my opinion, anyone who would prefer Trump NOT become our next president, consider the logic and wisdom of this really being as a two way race between Trump and Bobby Kennedy. A 20,000+ person pool gave Kennedy the edge, if it were between the two. Like Bobby Dylan says, ” You don’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows”.

This is a worthwhile essay about words, public dialog and shaping views, thus policy. It’s not that long.

Because of the ubiquitous cameras and speed of sharing information, visual, audio, written…all of it, we really don’t have to wait for the “news” broadcast, ( with all that darn sliding, shifting graphics in the background as an added distraction),
to find out what really happens. The many ‘public squares’, not unlike our own BBQ, will slice and dice an event so fast, winnowing out the chaff from the facts, we don’t have to wait for the “Official Report.
The compilation presented below is a case in point.

Thanks again Chuck and Barb.

Tevis Dooley

Take your opinion to the Polls, not to BBQ

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I agree with Kathie Raisler.
BBQ has always had a gentle soul. And although it has raised its voice at times, it has been kind, most of the time.
Take your opinions to the polls, not to BBQ. There is enough hate and consternation on TV and at the table next to you at the restaurant. Don’t spread it to our little community.
Most people know what they support and who, and your SCREAMING only strengthens that support, not changing it one iota.
Thank you, BBQ, for always being there for everyone, even the crazies. But please keep hate out of our community.
Judith Mills


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What Cannot Be Bought or Sold

In time we come to know, we understand

there is no saving grace in lies and misleading.

Deep and real differences may hold our families;

But there is no saving grace in lies and using

what misleads. Across canyons of time and space,

listening to the voices of trusted elders and

honored friends, “Through love alone will hate be healed.”

Be healed and know we have awakened before,

left behind our ignorance, the delusions of our greed,

hatred, and fear. Slowly, we are abandoning the belief

that a man or woman can own another, assume

or create a relation that does not recognize the

inherent rights and dignity of another. At work

as in marriage, community, and state relations

this entitlement is now a birthright, an achievement

of what is best in all of us. We are awakening, slowly

reaching the understanding that war is not a sustainable

choice. The war in Vietnam, the war in Iraq, wherever

we may look, we are coming to know that war profits

a small minority of citizens. We have heard all their lies,

the reasons why our sons and daughters must continue to die,

why those of us who have the most merit further incentives

to accumulate even more. There is no saving grace in being

misled. We are also awakening to the fragile gift of democracy,

how your voice and vote is equal to all others. Will it ever be

easy to recognize and accept how we have been used?

Each of us knows the answer to this common experience.

But as the typhoons come and the tornados grow stronger, as

species extinction accelerates, and our divorce rates incline,

as our coastal cities submerge and our elders die of unrelenting
heat, we can awaken, recognize how we have been used.

What comes to mind when I hear their notion that we should

deport millions of our brothers and sisters seeking as we have

sought a better life, or listen to their war cry, drill baby drill,

what comes to mind is, “They just let you do it.”

Request to Aviod Political Messages

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In the light of the diverse opinions and potential for discord surrounding political topics, I kindly ask that BBQ refrain from posting political messages on this board, Our goal is to maintain a positive and inclusive environment where everyone feels comfortable and respected. I hope there are others out there that concur with this assessment.
Thank you or your consideration in this matter.

Kathie Raisler


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This morning’s headlines on Drudge. (Below)

I think it VERY likely we will VERY soon wake up to a total grid down scenario. This might be due to a hack, a mistake, because of the war Democrats are trying to start, or an intentional grid-collapse by the DEMOCRAT WHO JUST TRIED TO MURDER TRUMP. This new brand of murderous Democrat will do anything to get their war with Russia.

In a grid-down scenario, most will die within 30 days.

Clean water will be an issue. So in addition to having ON-HAND EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO LIVE FOR 30 DAYS, also consider taking Kim Miller’s clean-water/emergency scenario WASH class at Nehelam Bay Fire Rescue?

Next classes:


Here are todays headlines on Drudge. If this doesn’t get you prepping, don’t come knocking on my door:

Tech Outage Hits Banks, Airlines, Firms Worldwide… Developing…
Most serious IT faliure ever seen… Plunged into dark ages…
Heath care providers report problems with patient services…
Huge hospital group forced to cancel surgeries…
CROWDSTRIKE says not cyberattack; Fix deployed…
‘Could take weeks’ to repair…

Worth noting that Bill Gates’ (reduce population NOW!) Microsoft is the progenitor of this deadly chaos, which will see many die. And this outage is minor.

I have stated my opinion about this on this site, and I will state again that I believe it is quite foolish to remain unprepared for a grid-fail scenario. If you keep 30 days worth of stuff in your garage, clean water, food, medicine, you will have a great chance of making it 30 days with no cash-registers, no gasoline for you car, no electricity, etc.


Friends of NCRD Flowers for Sale

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Starting tomorrow, Thursday, Friends of North County Recreation District (NCRD) will be selling flowers at the Little Apple Grocery Store in Manzanita. The flowers are picked fresh each morning and taken to the store about 10 AM. Tomorrow’s flowers are being done by Jessie and Shirley, representatives of 1st Security Bank. As long as we have flowers and arrangers, we will have fresh flowers for you at that location 7 days a week. We might miss a few days due to lack of flowers.

Over the years, Friends of NCRD has been able to provide $14,000 for scholarships-about half of which go to the Youth Department at NCRD. Studies have shown kids who attend preschool or after school programs are ahead of the game in academics and social skills. Friends want to do the best we can with our younger generations as they will be taking care of us someday. By supporting our flower sales, we are supporting our kids, who in turn will be supporting us. Thanks!

Manzanita Farmers Market Welcomes SNAP/Oregon Trail Cards!

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Hello all!
Did you know that you can use your Oregon Trail / SNAP benefits at Farmers Markets? Your SNAP dollars can buy delicious meats, fish, cheeses, baked goods, jams, sauces, tea & coffee, pickles and sweets, all made locally and available at the Manzanita Farmers Market! But wait – there’s more!

With your SNAP purchases, you also get up to $20 in FREE produce coupons! Imagine fresh berries, stone fruit, leafy greens, legumes, herbs, mushrooms and root vegetables [FOR FREE]. You will find them all, picked fresh for you at the Manzanita Farmers Market, Fridays from 4 to 7 at Manzanita Avenue & Division.

Visit for up-to-date information on market vendors and products.
Please see Karen at the Info Booth for details, and to start recelving your FREE produce (up to $20 value) per day!

ASIDE TO NON-SNAP PARTICIPANTS: Please share this info with your family, friends and neighbors who may not be tech-savvy enough to see this message. Help us stamp out food insecurity in our villages. Thank you.


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For love of Friends of NCRD, our North County Community has been extraordinarily generous with donations and fundraising this past year (July 2023 – June 2024). With love for our Community’s families, Friends has met its Mission to support NCRD programs and provide scholarships to encourage inclusion for all.

More than $14,000 in scholarships – with over half going to the Youth Department – have been given to NCRD families. Summer months are when our Youth Department and Youth Sports Program have the highest needs, and we expect an increase in scholarship needs in the Fall. With gratitude and appreciation for our many dedicated volunteers, Friends of NCRD is now reaching out to the community in another way.

As we start the new fiscal year, Friends of NCRD is calling on community members to fill Board positions. We need several dedicated Board members to help guide our Mission. For love of NCRD and Friends’ Mission, IS THAT YOU?

If you’d like to be considered for a Board position, please contact Gail: by July 31.

We’re Hiring!

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Manzanita Coffee Co is looking for our next great team members; now hiring Baristas, a Kitchen Assistant, and a Baker.
We are searching for an engaging, enthusiastic, hard worker to greet customers, take orders, prepare fresh baked goods, breakfast, and drinks, keep our shop clean and well stocked, and help ensure compliance with health and safety regulations.
Barista, baking, or cafe experience is preferred but if you’re a positive person and a great team player who is willing to learn in a fast paced, efficient environment we’d like to meet you!
Email us at

EVCNB eBrief July 15

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Click the link above to check out our latest eBrief!

Oregon State University Study Your Participation Is Requested. North Tillamook County Residents Opportunity. You could win $100!

Come See Us At The Manzanita Farmers Market July 19, August 16 and September 20

CERT training classes available starting August 6

Geraldo Rivera, circa 1975

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African-American activist Dick Gregory brought the Zapruder film to Geraldo in 1975; JFK was shot in 1963.

The film, the only copy, was shot on super 8 by a civilian, and then was hidden from the world by the D.C. spook crowd for 12 years. Only the spooks got to watch the film for 12 years.

How come the spooks didn’t want folks to see the film and kept it hidden for 12 years?

Because in the film you can clearly see JFK being shot in the FRONT of his throat, which he clutches, and then you can clearly sees his head snapping BACKWARDS, and brain debris coming out of the BACK of his head, after the shots were fired from in FRONT of him. And then you can see Jackie climb onto the BACK of the limo to retrieve her dead husband’s brain debris.

Why is all of this important? Why was the film hidden from Americans and the rest of the world by the spooks for 12 years?

Because the spooks told us that Oswald was BEHIND JFK shooting, and the shots clearly, as seen in the film, were fired from in FRONT of JFK.

Watch the film and see for yourself. (Or, just go on a beach walk instead?)

Why the murder of JFK is STILL important, is because it helps us understand current events, like the attempted murder of Trump the other day:

And below is another significant motion-picture of shots being fired at a president.

Two-minutes is plenty of time for the SS to have prevented the shots, in this context, in my view.

Also, consider that the SS has a top view (satellites) and the guy on the roof would have been clearly seen via satellite:

I believe the primary motivation for JFKs murder was to turn the Vietnam situation into a BIG WAR (which JFK didn’t want), and make billions of dollars destroying that country (talk about an environmental disaster!) while killing 2-million of its citizens.

I believe the primary motivation for RFK’s murder was the same, a continuation of the BIG WAR Johnson started days after JFK’s murder.

I believe the primary motivation for the attempted murder of Trump was the same, except Trump isn’t trying to stop them (CIA, military-industrial-complex) from destroying Vietnam, he is trying to stop them from expanding the Dems’ Ukraine ‘operation’ (started by Obama in 2014 when he overthrew Ukraine) into World War Three, which is 100% the plan the Dems have going forward. World War! World War! So much suffering! Yay!!!!!!!

Every Dem potential candidate will propel us right into World War Three. And every Repub other than Trump will propel us right into World War Three.

RFK, Jr. won’t get us into World War Three, but the Dem elite (vax-whores, war-pigs), the Obama/Clinton crime families, don’t even want you to hear what RFK, Jr. has to say. I wonder why?

The Dem elite care as much about their voters as Bud Light does Dylan Mulvaney: NOT AT ALL!

The only way to stop World War Three is to elect Donald Trump. Tough medicine, but it might just save your life.

It’s the way of peace and love, Trump is the only anti-war choice. I know, I know, tough medicine to swallow!

But please join me, won’t you?



TRUMP ’24!!!!!!!!



These Ukrainians don’t want to die for you and Zelensky and Lynsie Graham. I don’t blame them. I, too, would rather drown fleeing then die for you in a senseless war, started by NATO pigs:


Thank You Manzanita Transfer Station Employees!!!

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I want to let the workers at the transfer station (I haven’t lived here long enough to call it CARTM) know how much I appreciate them. Though they’ve been hit by illness and weren’t open Thursday, they’ve been open the past two days, which I don’t think has been all that easy. In normal times I really enjoy going there, as they are a fine, fine bunch of folks, but to be able to do a few dump runs when they are not at full strength makes me appreciate them all the more!