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Reply to Tevis : Thank you yes many plans have a politic expression .
Dear Chuck and Barbara I have appreciated very much bbq. it has showed the pulse of the coast.
Yes to Diversity in our Learning discoveries Opening our Minds sharing those without fear of being shamed
Can we go from detesting to Caring
corinna & Daniel

Thank You Manzanita Transfer Station Employees!!!

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in response to last night’s post,

i find the employees at the Manzanita Transfer Station always friendly, cheerful and helpful.

i ditto paul’s appreciation.

om peace namaste

lucy brook
nehalem resident

Thank You Manzanita Transfer Station Employees!!!
Posted on July 15, 2024 by North Coast BBQ

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I want to let the workers at the transfer station (I haven’t lived here long enough to call it CARTM) know how much I appreciate them. Though they’ve been hit by illness and weren’t open Thursday, they’ve been open the past two days, which I don’t think has been all that easy. In normal times I really enjoy going there, as they are a fine, fine bunch of folks, but to be able to do a few dump runs when they are not at full strength makes me appreciate them all the more!

yes to

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I support the “Request to sign opinion posts” posting policy in North Coast BBQ. No need to hide if you are sharing informative material, constructive comments, and even complaints that are non-inflammatory.

Kit Keating

Conspiracy, Andy?

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Are you are using a new email address, Andy? It’s been a while since you last posted and I was starting to believe you had signed off for good.
We may need a few new posting categories on BBQ such as “conspiracy rant”, “let off steam”, “freedom of speech opinion”. I may not agree with you most of the time, but I support your right to free speech.

Sliding Glass Door

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A few months ago there was someone on BBQ who was looking for a used sliding glass door for their greenhouse.
I forgot who you were, lost my sticky note with your contact info – hoping we can find each other through BBQ today.
Our new door will be going in around July 2 and the old door will be ready for you then.
Email me, or text, or call – 360-620-2685.

Science Is Real according to Andy

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Is there a conspiracy theory you don’t subscribe to? Do you ever post any credible sources for your hysteria? Lastly hey, if you don’t like masks don’t wear one. Sometimes sick people wear masks to protect others, some have pollen allergies but go ahead and slam them from your position of superior authority, or find something more rewarding and productive to do.

Science Is Real

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I haven’t quite been able to figure out why anti-vaxers and anti-maskers are often very pro-Russian, very hateful of our own country with all its flaws, and also despise people with different views of society, politics, and health.

As for masks, Andy, you have no idea why anyone chooses to wear a mask but insist on your right to pre-judge and condemn them. What or who makes you So, So Special? I’ve known some patriarchal dudes in my life, but… wow!

Gene Dieken

Summer Solstice Workshop: Illuminating Desire June 30th

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Summer Solstice Workshop: Illuminating Desire

Lara Foster our resident Author, Coach & Flow Specialist is attuned to generating individual and group flow experiences with aspects of fun, play and creativity. Her keen insight and intuitive advisement is woven into her coaching, writing and group facilitation wisdom.

Tenisha Stock is our Somatic Experiencing Practitioner & Embodiment Specialist. She deepened her expertise with intensive trauma and nervous system training to work with clients therapeutically promoting wholeness and regulation. Tenisha is also a curator of many community gatherings and events along the North Coast.

Together we’ll curate a safe, playful space full of joyful expressions for you to illuminate your desires flowing into this summer solstice season.

“What do I want? What do I really want?”

Underneath these words lays an invitation to deeper and fuller aspects of your whole being. Join us as we illuminate these desires together.

Lara and Tenisha will lead the group through breathwork, journaling and somatic practices that will help you get deeper in touch with the wholeness of your being’s desires.

When: Sunday June 30th 2024
Where: Les Shirley Park, Cannon Beach
Time: 11am to 2pm
Cost: $35

Sign up with Lara or Tenisha

School Choice for Oregon

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The School Choice movement (also widely known as school voucher or ESA programs) is a project devised and supported by members of the DeVos, Koch, and Walton families, and leaders of the Bradley Foundation among others, in an attempt to ultimately strangle public education.

I have followed an implementation by Gov. Kim Reynolds and the Iowa Legislature. The first wave hit the public schools by unpredictably lowering their funding immediately, thus making committed spending based on budgetary projections a challenge to meet. The Iowa diocesan schools didn’t allow Catholic parents to use the voucher payment to lower their tuition costs, they simply raised tuition instead. The legislature is now in disarray about how to pay for the financial peril created by their shiny new voucher program. It’s the same in several other Red states.

Oregonians should stay far away from this hobby project by far-right billionaires.

Gene Dieken

Response to

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Your right, I did generalize, and I have probable cause in the form of a video, when you point a loaded gun at anyone in the state of oregon it is a crime.
I’d love to post the video here but the powers that be do not allow it, I am in support of veterans but they do not get the right to treat everyone like shit, stop enabling poor behavior
Good talk, with that said support your veterans ( do not enable)

Response to Support our veterans?

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I don’t know where you got the idea that disabled veterans are immune from the law; read the link that you put at the end of your letter as proof.
It’s a fact that if the cops didn’t do anything it is not because of his veteran status.
I can only assume that it is because there was not enough probable cause.
Some veterans can have enough problems without generalizing statements like yours.

Reply to Get Vaccinated

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Just want to make sure you have done all the REAL research about Vaccine Deaths and Injuries over the last 100 or so years before you really tell people to go get VACCINATED!
The VAERS REPORT Is a good place to start, keep in mind that only 1% actually gets reported to the CDC aka Vears report!

P. S
The Polio vaccine maimed and killed many people first! Prove me wrong please!!
Do YOU know how many?
Just my 2 cents for today!
Have a great day!

reply to Dixie & Gene

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Falun Gong has a place in my heart . Thank you Dixie for your accurate report . Having lived in San Francisco for the 80 and 90 when Healthfood stores and natural remedies were so very popular and encouraged.
Qi Gong , Medical Qigong , Acupuncture, all are in the same family as Falun Dafa-Gong. It is learning our bodies , breathing fully, tracing the meridians , SEING deeply that our bodies are NOT man made.
But governments Special interests, stocks, do not want this .
Remember Peter Finch in the NETWORK movie .
This is so relevant today .
So Epoch Times is standing up for freedom to choose . It observe and sees the puppets

Falun Gong & The Epoch Times

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Seeing the recent post by Dixie G. reminded me of the New York Times deep-dive on the movement and the media organization from 2020. This link should open the paywall:

China suppresses Falun Gong as well as people in Hong Kong who value democracy because of their beliefs. It suppresses Tibetans and Uighurs because of their culture and the territory they occupy.

Here’s the TLDR of the NY Times article:

“Today, The Epoch Times and its affiliates are a force in right-wing media, with tens of millions of social media followers spread across dozens of pages and an online audience that rivals those of The Daily Caller and Breitbart News, and with a similar willingness to feed the online fever swamps of the far right.”

A 2018 gathering in Taiwan for practitioners of Falun Gong, which backs The Epoch Times:

Falun Gong & The Epoch Times

Submitted By: – Click to email about this post
Seeing the recent post by Dixie G. reminded me of the New York Times deep-dive on the movement and the media organization from 2020. This link should open the paywall:
China suppresses Falun Gong as well as people in Hong Kong who value democracy because of their beliefs. It suppresses Tibetans and Uighurs because of their culture and the territory they occupy.
Here’s the TLDR of the NY Times article:
“Today, The Epoch Times and its affiliates are a force in right-wing media, with tens of millions of social media followers spread across dozens of pages and an online audience that rivals those of The Daily Caller and Breitbart News, and with a similar willingness to feed the online fever swamps of the far right.”
A 2018 gathering in Taiwan for practitioners of Falun Gong, which backs The Epoch Times:

Falun Gong & The Epoch Times

Submitted By: – Click to email about this post
Seeing the recent post by Dixie G. reminded me of the New York Times deep-dive on the movement and the media organization from 2020. This link should open the paywall:
China suppresses Falun Gong as well as people in Hong Kong who value democracy because of their beliefs. It suppresses Tibetans and Uighurs because of their culture and the territory they occupy.
Here’s the TLDR of the NY Times article:
“Today, The Epoch Times and its affiliates are a force in right-wing media, with tens of millions of social media followers spread across dozens of pages and an online audience that rivals those of The Daily Caller and Breitbart News, and with a similar willingness to feed the online fever swamps of the far right.”
A 2018 gathering in Taiwan for practitioners of Falun Gong, which backs The Epoch Times:

Shutting Down Small Farms in Oregon

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First off, I’m very much in favor of small farm and animal operations producing high-quality food and thriving. The recent story (1) featured by OPB Radio about a small producer caught up short by existing water rights laws on the books for more than a century is sad and I hope there’s some compromise available.

Generally, water rights are vastly complicated and probably do need periodic refurbishment.

Here’s what scares me about this issue: Once you’ve gone beyond a certain point of being unmindful about water use and abuse, it’s too late and there’s no going back.

I grew up in Iowa, consistently the number one or two ag producer in the U.S. Over the last 50 years the industrialization of farming, repeated boom-bust cycles, mind-boggling federal subsidies, vast use of chemicals, huge build-out of CAFOs (2), and right-wing governance have created a disaster that’s hard to comprehend. Flanked by the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers, Iowa has a vast network of creeks and rivers. All but a few dozen miles are now poisoned with nitrates (as is much groundwater) and the state has the second-highest cancer rate in the country.

“Well, that’s the Midwest!” you say. We’re luckier or maybe just late to the game. The nitrate problems in Umatilla & Morrow Counties (3) are quite similar to Iowa.

(2) CAFO = Concentrated animal feeding operation

Here’s a fine book about Iowa’s problems:
The Swine Republic: Struggles with the Truth about Agriculture and Water:

Reply to

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once again i find myself strongly agreeing with mark kuestner’s bbq post.

i agree with his assessment of those who serve the city of manzanita, whether they be volunteers (city council) or paid staff that do the nuts and bolts of work that keeps the city running.

i agree that it’s a great idea to “go straight to the horse’s mouth,” as old timers like to say, if you want to know more about what’s going on. that expression means you are getting information from the person who has direct personal knowledge of it.

and i do know that mark kuestner does NOT sit on manzanita’s city council!

i have copied and pasted his post here below, to be clear in your minds that which i am addressing.

i live in nehalem, and am an interested observer, sometimes participant, in changes and happenings in north tillamook county.

om peace namaste

lucy brook

Neighbors helping Neighbors
Posted on March 13, 2024 by North Coast BBQ

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Our Neighbors.
Manzanita has a hard-working bunch of talented volunteers looking after our interests in city government and getting lots of important work done every week.
Tom Campbell was just newly appointed to City Council, Brad Hart as well a few months ago. We got a great new Mayor when Kathryn Stock stepped up to the plate and agreed to serve. Linda Kozlowski has been a true stalwart on council for many years, and 2024 marks the fourth year in Jerry Spegman’s first term on City Council: a good mix of the old and the new.
The Council has been ably supported for years now by city staff, led by City Manager, Leila Aman. Other city staff keeping the lights on in Manzanita: Dan Weitzel, Scott Gebhart, Nancy Jones, Nina Crist, Police Chief Erik Harth and Sergeant Mike Sims among others.
They and their families make up a large part of our community.
City Council recently created a single email address we can use to contact all five of them in one fell swoop:
Next time an issue comes up that you’re curious about, a procedure that you think needs some tweaking, let them know your thoughts,
Mark Kuestner

Townsend Mobile Car Detailing Service

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If EVERYONE needs a detailing please don’t hesitate to reach out I’m available.


If more info just get ahold of me.

**EXTERIOR DETAIL**: Hand Wash & Hand Dry, Clay Bar,Wax,Polish,Clean Tires & Rims Including degreasing tire, applying tire shine,wash and Rain-X windows.

**INTERIOR DETAIL**: Vacuum interior including clean trunk, carpet stain remover if needed mats, seats , leather cleaner if needed, windows, mirrors, air vents, consoles, glove box, Dash, Door Seals and Panels. **(NO SHAMPOOING)**

According to the size and how much work needs to be done will determine Price$$$

“CAR DETAILING” business and if anyone is wanting there vehicle detailed pls LET ME KNOW..

Mobile service for Manzanita, Nehalem, Wheeler, Rockaway Beach, Garibaldi and Tillamook Area.
Will travel farther for an extra fee.

Please provide water and electric only everything else I can provide.

Hours: Monday to Sunday 9am-5pm
Facebook: TownsendMobileCarDetailing
Instagram: TownsendMobileCarDetailing

Please when inquiring about price. Let me know WHAT YEAR,MAKE & MODEL so can give accurate information.

Another fairy tale – The Tale of City Hallenstein

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The Tale of City Hallenstein is certainly a traditional European-style tale used to warn children not to engage in certain behavior lest they be molested by a monster.

If I were a real estate agent selling property north or south of Manzanita, I’d hand potential buyers a copy of the Tale of City Hallenstein and ask them if they seriously want to drop their three-quarter million to live in such a place. Here Be Dragons!

Using a faux fairy tale as a tool to say hurtful things; make statements but provide no facts; call names; step away from my own professional ethics; and just generally grind axes already ground down to the handle, seems not the most helpful, courageous or adult way to proceed.

Gene Dieken

reply to The North Coast E.O.L. Collective

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we just participated to the first ZOOM of this North Coast E.O.L. Collective. Seeing how all have waited in silence for a long time to talk and bring out those deep lingering questions and worries.
After participating we did not feel isolated or alone anymore
See the N.C.E.O.L. Collective Library books and Podcasts
as they say Let s bring light to the invisible

corinna & Daniel

Have a question about Manzanita City issues? Ask a councilor.

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Kudos to Manzanita city councilor Mark Kuestner for reaching out to the public to talk about whatever might be on your mind, what might be bothering you, or to what you might be taking exception.

What a great idea, instead of complaining vociferously and perhaps publicly with partial information, you contact a city councilor and have a conversation. After all, they’re steeped in the details of city government and can likely answer your questions and concerns better than anyone else. Especially if the “anyone else” is using partial or biased information. Which does happen from time to time, not?

And, as Jim Heffernan posted on the Tillamook County Pioneer, let’s use a Civility Pledge in talking to each other about issues where we have differences.

Here’s one example of a Civility Pledge:
In the interest of civility, I pledge to promote civility by listening, being respectful of others, acknowledging that we are all striving to support and improve our community and understanding that we each may have different ideas for achieving that objective.

Here’s Mark’s simple, direct BBQ post.
“Have a question about Manzanita City issues? Ask a councilor.”
Posted on February 18, 2024
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Tevis and Ukraine

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I read through the article by David Stockman (former Reagan director of OMB) Tevis flagged. It’s hard not to agree with some of Stockman’s points. Why should we care about a Ukraine that isn’t totally ethnic Ukranian?

Here’s a timelapse animation of European borders from 400 BCE to the present: And just for context, modern Russia has over 190 ethnic groups.

It seems a bit specious to say that borders have all that much relevance to the U.S. supporting Ukraine at this moment in history.

The main reason we have an obligation to Ukraine is that we guaranteed them a security umbrella if, after the dissolution of the USSR, they would give up and destroy the nuclear weapons remaining on their territory. They agreed and the weapons were gone by 1996. Note that Ukraine was the heart of the Soviet aerospace sector. Nukes and aerospace are never a good mix. Here’s a short history from Brookings:

Lastly, during Vladimir Putin’s recent “interview” with Tucker Carlson, Putin mentioned Poland 30 times and capped off his remarks by accusing that country of forcing Nazi Germany to invade Poland. Are we going to be soon saying that we should not help defend Poland because its borders fluctuated and even periodically disappeared in the last 1000 years?

Just for bonus points, you can read through the Wikipedia articles on the First and Second Chechen Wars. These wars became the model for how Russia would conduct future wars in Syria, Mariupol, and now throughout Ukraine.

Gene Dieken


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It is interesting to note that measure 110 decriminalizing drugs by amount was passed in 2020 – looking at a map produced by the CDC showing a map of the states. It shows that 2020 is the first year that mortality from drugs jumped to a new high in Oregon. See link at bottom.

But who cares? I can find states that have a higher mortality from drugs. So there! Just ignore it. It’s not that hard to step over a body – I can still do it and I am in my late 80’s. CRIME? I have a gun and a compost heap – perfect place for hiding a body. I am not worried.

And most of us know that Trump and Russia are responsible for this anyway – Don’t embarrass the Democrats – they already have so much more to be embarrassed about

Reply to andynorris21

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Although Norris states “And who knows how many thousands of pounds of the Chinese Communist Party’s fentanyl, the cartels’ meth and the cartels’ heroin were simply walked over and brought straight to Oregon thanks to the dipsh*ts running the DPO and the worst federal administration in American history.” a quote from an immigration report reads “The data indicates most smuggling of illicit drug substances into the U.S. happens at ports of entry, not between. Hidden in compartments in vehicles and cargo, smuggling is often quicker and more expedient at POEs compared to traveling through rough terrain between ports.” (,through%20rough%20terrain%20between%20ports.)

Although the poster would like to blame Oregon Democrats for the drug epidemic, thirty states, many of them red, have a higher fentanyl death rate per capita than Oregon.,-Source%3A%20Centers%20for&text=California%20had%20the%20m….

The bottom line is that as long as we create demand for drugs someone will supply it. Our drug problem is ours, not Mexico’s, not the Chinese Communist Party’s, not south or central America’s. As for border security it has very recently become abundantly clear it is the Republican Party directed by Trump that only cares about it when they think they can use it as a campaign issue in their favor. Remember “I will build a wall and make Mexico will pay for it”?

Ted Chu