Welcome to the BBQ!


The BBQ is a free public service provided to the citizens of the Oregon North Coast. It is dedicated to the promotion of community building by establishing a website forum whereon citizens may announce important matters and events, offer goods and services, express needs and provide information of general interest. 


To post on this website you must be a subscriber or non-subscriber who operates a business on, lives on or has a second home on the Oregon North Coast. Subscribers receive in their email inbox at 6 pm each day a summary of all items posted during the day. Non-subscribers do not receive the summary but may visit the BBQ website at any time and view the items posted there.



We recommend that you always include text with your post and not to only rely on an image, like a poster.  Sometimes and we don’t know why, images don’t show up or are not right side up.

If you do not get a “thank you” message after submitting a post, it is very likely that it was not successful.  Here are things you can try:

  • If you have images, please make sure they are in one of the following formats:   gif, .jpg, .png, .jpeg, or .bmp.  Also please check the size.  They must be at least 450 x 450 pixels and total for all (up to 3 images) can’t be more than 5 MB.
  • Try using another browser, especially if you are using Safari.  You can use the same form.
  • Make sure there are no punctuation marks in the title.

If you still have trouble please send title, category (one only), text and any images to barbaraandchuck@nehalemtel.net

We apologize for any techno issues any mysteries.



Subscribers receive in their email inbox at 6 pm each day a summary of all items posted in the last 24 hours.


If you are experiencing difficulties with the site, have questions or suggestions, please email bbq@nehalemtel.net


A listing of all items posted daily is provided on the CURRENT LISTING page.   Or click on the various categories listed above.  Items posted under each category heading are those dealing with that category only, which allows the reader to eliminate scrolling to find a particular random post.


The opinions expressed by those posting on the BBQ are not necessarily those of the BBQ administration.


We reserve the right  to refuse to post any message, quote, ad, attachment or image for any reason, including but not limited to: violating our posting protocol; containing ad hominem; vilification; shaming or other contemptuous language.