Dreaming in Community

Submitted By: jettkeyser@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
What she said…
*Apologies if this does not format well.

The Energy of Dreams

In the twilight of early morning
carried on the energy of dreams,
an urgent spirit appeared, “Listen,
just listen, listen to the wind passing
over our broken land. Hear the cries
across the barren clear-cuts.
Understand, the old cedar are gone,
as the buffalo are gone and the ones
who were here, who walked in sacred
shadows, breathing in the majesty
of immense branches, they are all
gone now. Listen well. Rising time
has come. As fertile seeds, our voices
will carry. Together, in the turning
of all our lives, mountains and rivers
and clouds passing can hold bright,
new generations. Beauty will return
to a lost and forsaken land.”