On February 13th, 2025 the Nehalem Bay Watershed Council will be hosting both a Board Meeting and a presentation by Gordon Reeves titled “New Insights Into the Ecology and Freshwater Habitats of Pacific Salmon and Implications for Conservation.”
The NBWC’s Board Meeting will start at 5 pm at the NCRD in Nehalem and online via Zoom. We will discuss regular business, financials, and council activities. The public is welcome to attend and learn more about the NBWC’s current and future habitat restoration projects!
After the board meeting, Dr Gordon Reeves will share insights from his career studying freshwater salmon habitats. This talk will discuss the diversity of life-history strategies in salmon and how that diversity impacts the productivity and persistence of populations of the different species. It will also address the growing recognition that freshwater habitats are much more dynamic than has been previously recognized. It will end with a discussion of how conservation efforts can recognize this diversity and dynamic and incorporate them into the development of policies and practices which have better chances of success.
Dr Gordon Reeves is an aquatic ecologist with expertise in the freshwater ecology of anadromous salmon and trout, conservation biology of those fish, the impacts of climate change on aquatic ecosystems and associated biota, and aquatic aspects of landscape ecology. He has a PhD in Fisheries Science from Oregon State University and worked as a research aquatic ecologist for the US Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station in Corvallis for 38 years! Since retiring he has continued to research aquatic ecology on the Copper River Delta, Alaska and develop options for aquatic research on the proposed Elliot State Research Forest. This is an opportunity to hear from an expert on salmon ecology who has been actively participating in growing our understanding of salmonids for decades.
Both the Board Meeting and the presentation will be at the North County Recreation District in Nehalem and hosted on Zoom, and are free to the public. The zoom link is us02web.zoom.us/j/85257362427 or on the Faceboook event at www.facebook.com/nehalembaywc. You can also contact the watershed council at info@nehalemwatershed.org.
Event Information: This event is FREE and open to the public. Find more information on our speaker series and the links for access on our Facebook page www.facebook.com/nehalembaywc).
Time & Agenda:
5:00 PM Board Meeting
6:30 PM Presentation
7:30 PM Adjourn