Dirty Bird’s Events, Compost For Sale and Wally’s Worm Club

Submitted By: Kelleywebb731@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
Hello Friends, Family and Fan’s of Dirty Bird’s!

Check out our booth at Garden Fest at the Grange on April 6th. We will have a home worm bin set up and some information on hand about the glories of worm composting aka vermicomposting. If you want some face-to-face time with the Dirty Bird Team, get in touch and we can set up a time to meet on the lot.

We will have Nehalem Valley Gold compost for sale April 12 – 14 on the lot (email to make an appointment). Locally made with cow manure, pig slop, straw and silage, organic farm and flower waste and other delicious ingredients that make this a gardener’s delight. Soil test results available for those of you who like to nerd out on the numbers. $5/5 gallon bucket. We can arrange for bigger loads and ongoing pickups until the 10-yard pile is gone. Email us if you are interested in purchasing compost, so we can schedule pick up times and payment with you.

Wally’s Worm Club
We will be continuing the Dirty Bird’s Worm Club, now lovingly called Wally’s Worm Club, as all of the worms share this name. We fixed the second bin and cleaned up around the lot, so keep the food scraps coming and tell your friends and neighbors to get on the worm composting train with us so we can keep all of this food waste out of the landfill and watch the worms turn it into black gold. We will be building more worm bins, offering worm castings for sale, and helping individuals get set up with their own home systems. Get in touch if you want in on Wally’s Worm action!

If you have a project you need help getting off the ground or want to use the lot for something fun let us know.

Team Dirty Bird’s