“Trash to Bench” plastic recycling program

Submitted By: kileyk@ncrdnehalem.org – Click to email about this post
Thank you to the HUGGS organization for taking on our “Trash to Bench” plastic recycling program at NCRD and expanding the collection locations. So now you have the following places to deposit your recyclable plastic:
• NCRD gym
• NCRD lobby
• Wysteria Chic store
• RTI Office
• Calvery Bible Church office
• Wheeler Liquor Store
JUST A REMINDER: The last few times I cleared the bins at NCRD, I found too many unacceptable plastic items that had to be trashed or could have been recycled at our transfer center in Manzanita.
So ACCEPTABLE plastic for the “Trash to Bench” project is clean soft, stretchable film.
UNACCEPTABLE is any hard or non stretchable plastic.
Thanks Community for your participation in this project to keep plastic out of the dump.
Linda Makohon, President
Friends of NCRD