BBQ posting problems

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We recognize that some people are having trouble submitting a post and apologize for any techno issues and mysteries.

If you do not get a “thank you” message after submitting a post, it is very likely that it was not successful. Here are things you can try:

If you have images, please make sure they are in one of the following formats: gif, .jpg, .png, .jpeg, or .bmp. Also please check the size. They must be at least 450 x 450 pixels and total for all (up to 3 images) can’t be more than 5 MB.

Try using another browser, especially if you are using Safari. You can use the same form.

Make sure there are no punctuation marks in the title.

If you still have trouble please send title, category (one only), text and any images to

Thanks! And thanks for using the bbq. We do our best to get your information posted.