Once Upon A Time…

Submitted By: flbagon@outlook.com – Click to email about this post
A Fairytale Volume 1

Once upon a time there was a small coastal village that was visited by a small dragon. This dragon would walk up and down main street letting all know he has made a new home. At first the villagers welcomed this dragon hoping it would be wonderful to have their own dragon in the village. As time went on this dragon got into the habit of breathing fire and singeing some people’s clothes and hair. The dragon seemed to target the villager’s leaders and never revealed this side of him to most people. The village leaders were united in their concerns about this dragon’s unruly behaviors. There was a rumor that this dragon was trained by the village ogre who seemed consistently unhappy and at times vengeful.
One day this dragon left it’s cave in the center of the village, to seek out another cave some distance away. The dragon never told anyone about moving caves going against the rules of the village. In order for a dragon to be allowed to walk up and down main street he had to have a cave in the village. After a period of time the dragon was confronted and told you can’t walk up and down main street against the rules set long ago about dragons.
The dragon no longer lives in the village but to this day some miss the dragon, some are relieved the dragon is gone, and some never even noticed the dragon parading up and down main street. And still others would like the village to return to the days before the dragon ever showed up.

The End