Looking To Leave Tweakerville (Wheeler)

Submitted By: andynorris21@yahoo.com – Click to email about this post
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Good morning,

I am casually looking to get the hell out of Tweakervile (Wheeler) as the crime is getting quite bad.

The first thing I do everyday is look out the window to see if my cars are there, and then I look at the pavement to see if they have drilled my gas tanks. It’s like I’m living in Portland again.

The recent days/months have seen:

My housemate’s gas tank getting drilled, the tweaker/zombie (that’s what he looked like on the video) only took one gallon of gas, and let the rest drain all over the street and into the storm drain and then into the bay. My housemate had to get a tow and pay for the fix, of course, and then he started parking blocks away at a friend’s house and walking home.

The city of Wheeler’s excavator was stolen, three blocks away from me. Yes, the excavator.

Last week, Rice and Shine, a very hard-working young couple’s excellent food cart, had their large propane tank stolen ($300 when empty). One of my cars was parked 30-feet away. I expect Rice and Shine’s food cart will be leaving Tweakerville soon as well. Like me, they probably take a breath of relief when they arrive and see that their food truck is still there. It sucks living like this. (If anybody knows of a spot for them in a town where their stuff won’t get stolen and they can operate their business in peace, maybe give them a shout?)
Tweakers regularly get off the Wave and walk one block up the hill for their drugs to the tweaker-dealer matriarchs sh*t-hole of a house. Everyone knows she’s the biggest dealer around, including law enforcement, but apparently nobody in city government gives enough of a crap to do anything about it. Maybe because there is no money because we spent it all helping Russia destroy Ukraine; woulda been $300,000,000 for each congressional district. Just a small portion of that money would have been enough to get these shameless thieving tweakers into rehab and/or jail, from Astoria to Tillamook.

There is another drug-dealing tweaker apartment complex up the street as well, the city knows about that shooting gallery as well.

My neighbors truck was stolen last year, with his work tools inside. Forgot about that one.

A mile or so away, tweakers sawed their way into the Mohler Co-Op, and stole a generator. Yup, cut a hole in the wall from the outside.

A BIG dump truck that was parked at that transportation facility next to Nehelam Elementary School was stolen, and I hear later recovered at the famed Foss Road tweaker compound.

A while ago, a different BIG dump truck was stolen and driven up the logging roads above Coal Creak and stripped.

One local business owner here in Tweakerville told me they no longer decorate out front because the tweakers steal everything, from hose faucets to potted flowers. So whomever is selling that newly constructed tiny house along HWY 101 in Wheeler, make sure to tell the buyer not to keep anything outside, including faucets and flowers, and make damn sure to lock the door when you leave.

I think the DPO’s decriminalization of the CCP-made fentanyl, cartel-produced meth and cartel-produced liquid heroin, along with Democrats’ refusal to honor our country’s southern border, isn’t so good for Wheeler, or Oregon in general.

Or life in general for that matter.

And wow, I wasn’t even thinking of the fentanyl overdoses when I wrote that above, I was just thinking that the quality of life under Oregon’s Democrat rule is rapidly degrading, as it has been for many years now. Oregon Dems quickly ruined Portland for God’s sake, like real fast; that city was the jewel of the northwest, and the destruction has been quarterbacked by none other than Ted Wheeler, an heir of this town’s namesake, for the past several years.

The DPO will ruin the rest of the state too before they are finished. They are the majority for the foreseeable future in the governance of our state. We are so screwed. Lovely Oregon as it once was is toast.

And Wheeler, of course, isn’t going to get any better any time soon. It’s going to get worse and worse and worse and worse. Mark my words. Remember reading this.

So, as I said, I am casually looking to get out of Wheeler, this Little Town of Methlehem. The amazing mountain views and easy access to the bay for kayaking and fishing isn’t worth the stress of living here. A new car costs more than a salmon tag.

Relocating to tweaker-haven Foss Road would not be an improvement, so not interested in that area.

I am looking for a two-bedroom for me and my honors student teen daughter, somewhere between Bay City and CB, and as far away from thieving tweakers as possible.

