Lee Rocks Painting Party Rescheduled

Submitted By: giashaw2002@yahoo.com – Click to email about this post
Come join us for Lee Rocks Painting Party Sunday February 11th from 4-6 at NCRD kitchen.
We will gather to honor Lee and paint rocks with his name on one side and a small symbol of a heart, paw print or something similar on the other side.
When you do something that Lee would have done such as filling up the pet watering station or helping someone in need leave a Lee Rocks there.
If you find one you can pick it up and pass it on leaving it where you do the same.
We will have rocks and supplies available but feel free to bring rocks that are special to you to paint and if you have paint you would like to use feel free to bring that as well.
A huge thank you to NCRD for donating the use of their kitchen for this event, Lori Dillon for donating painting supplies and support, Ginger at North Fork for 53 for donating tea and this amazing community.
There will be tea and snacks. Feel free to bring a snack to share but not required.
We would like to have Lee Rocks available at various locations with signage and have future Lee rocks parties to keep the ripple effect that Lee made on this planet going strong.
Sending light and love