Flood Us With Support!!

Submitted By: jessi@heartofcartm.org – Click to email about this post

Dear Community,

We were preparing the store for you – dressing up our mannequins, making cedar boughs and hanging vintage decorations.

Then, the rain came. A lot of rain.

The rain came with such force, it burst a culvert above our building and sent a muddy river through our office, store, workshop and out the front door! 4 inches of water pooled at our front counter the following morning. Fans, heaters and de-humidifiers are running full blast as we try to dry out walls and contents.

One might think, “it’s all trash, right? It was headed for the landfill.” Wrong.

We believe that discards are valuable resources. We love every piece of artwork, old book, severed doll head, vintage typewriter, and handmade card in our store. We lovingly unboxed and cleaned and repaired every single thing on our shelves. We are now looking across the store at damp chaos and it’s heartbreaking.

We promised each item that we would find it a new home.

We need the store’s revenue to burst into Spring with fresh energy, to organize Trash Bash, to pay our vision leader! Aside from closing to dry out, we are looking to close for a longer winter break, so we can reorganize.

Can you please give a little to help us cover operations this winter?

From The Heart – Thank you!