Conscious Aging and Community Connections, Monday, Dec. 11, 2-4pm at Pine Grove

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Hello Community Friends,

The Conscious Aging and Community Connections program will meet Monday, December 11th, 2-4pm at Pine Grove Community House. Door opens at 1:45.

This program meets on the second Monday of each month with the intention to provide a space for people in our area to gather and get to know one another as we address some of the challenges and opportunities we face as aging human beings.

The topic this month is Traversing the Edge Between Doing and Being.

If you have time before Monday please take some time to contemplate the topic and the following quotes:

Our curriculum of conscious aging requires that we get as close as possible to the thing that’s scaring us, in order to reveal our attachments, and to experience the serenity that comes from letting go of them. Ram Dass
It is the mental tendency to cling that creates anxiety, suffering, and fear, and once we’re able to identify what we are attached to — a certain standard of living, say, or a body that does not change — we are able to take the first steps toward freeing ourselves, regardless of the particular difficulty. Ram Dass
We sometimes erroneously project midlife values, activity patterns and expectations onto old age, and then define these values, patterns and expectations as successful aging. Maybe our projections are not just rooted in midlife, but also in western culture and white middle class hopes for success to continue into old age. When you think about it, what makes us think that we will be the same person with the same desires at 80 as we are at 50? And why would we want to be the same? Lars Tornstam
It is important to create opportunities … to build some time into our lives to consider our deepest questions about who we are, where we are, and how it all makes sense. Ram Dass

We’re experimenting with the program format and have decided to try breaking into several smaller groups to allow more in-depth discussions. We also hope this will mitigate the noise level and honor individuals who prefer not to speak in front of a large group. Please note, you are welcome to pass anytime you don’t feel like talking. We are open to feedback about these meetings, so feel free to express your ideas and/or concerns to organizers.

Future events:
January 8: Creating a Compassionate Community. We’ll provide more information about this before the session.

January 29th: 1-5pm Creating Vision Boards. More information about this event will be coming by mid-January. If you are interested in this, please let me know.

The Conscious Aging and Community Connections Program is sponsored by Pine Grove Community House which allows us to keep admission at $ 5 per session.

We look forward to seeing you Monday!
The Conscious Aging Team: Tela Skinner, Kathie Hightower, Sue McGrath, Jan Hamilton, Mary Ruhl, Kathleen Moore, Dori Bash and Paula Sansum.