City of Manzanita: A response

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Which part of Cara Mico’s writing on Manzanita’s City hall (Tillamook County Pioneer, 11/18) is distorted and biased? Quite a bit. I counted half a dozen inaccuracies, not to mention judgements without support. If this is supposed to be an article, then it fails. As an opinion piece with a confused timeline, innuendos, ‘facts’ without basis, and much hyperbole, it succeeds. The first paragraph contains at least five cliches (point of contention, deep divides, staunch opposition, fervent support, laying bare the challenges….) that make the writer’s take on the topic pretty clear. This is journalism?

Please do watch the city council work session she links to in her piece. There you will see the city government working towards completing a project that many in the city want. We want a safe, secure, workable building for our police and government. The work to get this is steady and collaborative. There have already been numerous discussions, public opportunities to express opinions, and revisions – and more is planned (please view the city website). Also, look at the document on the water rate changes and the amount that changes for an average homeowner. Check your facts and be honest about your intentions, Mico.