Go Fund Me for Sharla Smith – please help if you can

Submitted By: Christy@cosmichealingnw.com – Click to email about this post
Hello BBQ Community,

Our friend and neighbor, and vital member of our community, Sharla Smith, has unexpectedly lost her home. It literally fell apart, just as winter is starting. She needs help to build temporary shelter for herself, while she works to find solutions for permanent housing. Please donate to this GO FUND me set up for her- to raise funds for building materials, but also, please, let’s go above and beyond, and try and provide her with funds for a new home. She has had many trials, trauma, and struggles to overcome within her life, but always continues to give love and support to others. Let’s do the same for her now.

Please help, if you can.
Thank you!
Link to Go Fund Me for Sharla needs Shelter:

Christy Kay
(503) 800-1092