What is a Health Coach? and why you can choose to use one…

Submitted By: timeandtidehealthcoaching@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
Hello Community,

I’m a Certified Health Coach and would like to share what role a health and wellness coach can play in your life.

I’m a graduate of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in NY State. I chose that school for their well-rounded curriculum encompassing everything from diet and nutrition habits to physical fitness, creative expression, spiritual, mental and emotional health and more. The journey through the coursework had to be part of my own healing as well. We’re all on the road…

“Health & wellness coaches partner with clients looking to enhance their well-being through self-directed lasting changes, aligned with their values. In the course of their work, health & wellness coaches display unconditional positive regard for their clients and a belief in their ability to change, honoring the fact that each client is an expert on their own life while ensuring that all interactions are respectful and non-judgmental.”
We are all bio-individuals. What works for one isn’t always the exact recipe for another. I’m here to support you in your process along with having knowledge of many avenues of support and common ways of natural health that can be adapted to fit your needs. Our bodies are all natural gardens. What we put into our soil, what our lives consume (through foods, habits, relationships etc.) will dictate what we grow; good health, not so good, emotional balance or imbalance, spiritual contentedness, cancer, metabolic diseases etc. We used to think our inherited genetics where the luck of the draw and that our habits wouldn’t matter, but our genes only affect 10% of our health outcomes. How we live dictates whether the dimmer switch of those genes are turned up or down. We can affect the other 90% of expression. That’s a lot of power!

If your Dr. has made a recommended lifestyle change and you’d like support to get there? Health coaches are a proven factor in getting the results you seek. Are you simply wanting to be healthier and not sure where to start or want support in any of the following areas:
I’m here for you!

Better sleep habits
Increasing social support
Decreasing stress
Decreasing toxin exposures / healthy home environment
Relief from depressive symptoms
Improving physical activity
Improving metabolic health
Weight loss
Healthy food and hydration choices
Healthy eating habits and recipes
Personal Chef / making cultured foods at home
Improve gut and immune health
Intermittent and extended fasting
Spiritual and meditative practices
Healthy fertility, pregnancy, postpartum nourishing, and healthy happy kids
Breast health / cancer prevention
Anti-cancer living (preventive or healing/living with)
Cultivating joy

“Health & wellness coaches train in behavior change theories and motivational strategies. They use these to support the client in creating and sustaining change for improved health and well-being.”

I have a 25 year background as a holistic bodyworker using massage, acupressure, reflexology, aromatherapy and other natural spa wellness habits. Using aromatherapy with acupressure and reflexology are a powerful combination. I love sharing these skills with my clients. I also work in the world of maternity support and was a maternity specialized massage therapist and birth doula for 15 years as well as a Dancing For Birth™ Trainer and class Instructor. DFB™ promotes empowered birthing in all environments and is for those who are preconception to postpartum.

I’m currently building a new website so don’t have a live one yet, but you can reach me for a free health coach consultation / discovery session. timeandtidehealthcoaching@gmail.com
971.977.0166 / phone / text

We meet on the phone, video or in-person in your home or a public meeting place. We discuss your health goals and how they can be achieved.
We then decide on a length of contracted 45 min. sessions. This can be one session, 6 in 6 weeks, 6 in 3 months or 12 over 6 months with most sessions happening every other week. Once contracted we choose where to meet for sessions and can sometimes enjoy a moving meeting where we hike some of our local magnificent trails and beaches together. My favorite!

Please feel free to reach out to me to see how I can be of service to you. Wellness and health are my passion as they are a gift to me that I don’t like to take for granted.

Thank you for valuing your health and mine.

Yours in kindness and wellness,
~ Libby
Elizabeth Golden Seaver
Time and Tide Health Coaching

Quoted sections above taken from NBHWC – National Board of Health and Wellness Coaches