commentary on last night’s post “The value of anonymous & ambiguous posting on BBQ”

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i am writing in agreement with gene dieken’s post on last night’s bbq, which i have copied and pasted below.
gene wonders whether “bbq policy might be rethought when it comes to election advocacy.”
my personal opinion is that NOTHING on bbq should be anonymous! over the years, when some particular post has interested me, but it was posted anonymously, i have written to the email address to ask “who are you?”
words are sometimes weighted more, have more value, … or, sometimes the opposite, depending on who wrote them.
so… to repeat, imho, i think NO ANONYMOUS POST should be allowed. and i respectfully ask the director/curator/manager of BBQ to effect that policy.
om peace namaste
lucy brook nehalem resident long-time north county resident
p.s. for some odd reason, last night’s bbq posts are all dated nov. 6. yesterday was nov. 4 and today is nov. 5.
posted by gene dieken, 11/5/23 The value of anonymous & ambiguous posting on BBQ Posted on November 6, 2023 by North Coast BBQ
Submitted By: – Click to email about this post Given the recent late-in-the-game statement of “transparency” by a frequent poster on BBQ who advocated a no-vote on renewing the NCRD levy by using only a pseudonymous email address as identification, I have to wonder if this BBQ policy might be rethought when it comes to election advocacy.
Also, and once again, on Nov. 4 our friendly Manzanita wine merchant,, had to clarify that she is NOT the frequent very conservative poster, I imagine over the years, this confusion has had some financial impact on the former.
Seems like a couple of small policy changes could create a more reliable service.
Gene Dieken