11.9 Contemplative Dance Practice/Ecstatic Dance

Submitted By: neahkahniespiritdance@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
This week we will fuse Ecstatic Dance and Contemplative Dance Practice forms into a blend of free form movement and improvisational dance scores. ***Led by Reeva***We will begin with an Ecstatic Dance music playlist focused on compassion. This playlist will transition into a brief contemplative practice with gentle, guiding music where we will be invited to explore sitting, lying down, walking/moving meditation that will then open the space for “Red Square Practice”. In this practice a thick red rope is laid down on the floor, our gaze rests with the room and the Square. Nothing much is happening. Just waiting. Then something comes. “Like a fish leaping from water,” we see in our minds eye a glimpse of our self in a still posture in the Square. We rise up, walk into the Square, and inhabit what we see. This form builds into duet and trio and group compositions. We will end with an ecstatic dance music playlist dancing in and out of the Red Square.

Hope to see you in the dance space!

Thursday Nov 9th@The White Clover Grange on HWY 53

Doors open at 6:00 PM for warmup/setup 
6:30 PM – opening circle/dance set 
8:00 PM – closing circle 
 $10 – $20 cash check or venmo/paypal 
(kids are welcome to dance for free, although the second Thursdays of the month are more guided and may not be suitable for our young dancers) 

Dance Etiquette/Tips: 
*All are welcome – Family friendly events – Come as you are. 
*Bring a water bottle and layers. 
*Bring kindness and respect for yourself and others and your willingness to explore and to dive into the ecstasy of spirit available through movement. 
*No outside shoes on the dance floor if possible (dirty floors aren’t fun to roll around on)
*Please no strong scents. 
*We ask that you limit talking during the dance set. Set up, break time, and the foyer area are great places to have longer conversations to limit distractions for others. 
*We are encouraging everyone to be mindful of each other’s safety and health and stay home if you are not feeling well, or have been exposed to someone sick. Follow your own judgment on whether to wear a mask or not.