Don’t read if you’ve voted

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Community, I know you’re good people thinking you’re doing a good thing for Community with a ‘yes’ vote.

AND, If ALL Community meant ALL IN THE COMMUNITY, I’d be right there beside you. However, I’m going to assert if any of you had joined me at even one Board meeting since 2019 and heard and seen what I’ve heard and seen, you may also not want your tax dollars supporting the NCRD, as it’s been run right now.

You would have witnessed over and over and over again the Boards & ED’s dismissiveness of Community questions/concerns, (‘argument: you can’t please everyone’); the disinterest for our teens/tweens and their recreation after demolishing the Skateramp (justification: ‘they should be grateful, we’re building them a nine million dollar pool)’; the discrimination of the mobility challenged with no stage access in the PAC (context: ‘ I have a disability, you don’t see me asking for special favors”); the ignorance/discrimination of not recognizing there is no street access to the ADA pickle-ball courts (Ignorance: ‘do people in wheelchairs play pickle-ball’).

I would have been ok if Committees had been formed to address any of the above issues (instead Justification: 73% of the voters passed the levy last time’).

Unfortunately, most of you didn’t hear it as you weren’t ‘in the room when it happened’, I WAS and I can’t unhear.

Trust me, it was a whole lot more comfortable being in denial and ignorant … however, I’m for the NCRD being the best it can be for ALL.