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VOTE NO FOR CHANGE. I was reminded by a fellow community member of a quote from Albert Einstein who once declared “The world is a dangerous place, not because of those that do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.”

For those who will vote for the levy out of fear for a reduction in your services, really? The NCRD will not close. The swim program will absolutely continue; the after-school program will not be affected; the Pre-school will thrive; the Performing Arts Center and the Riverbend Players’ curtain, will go up.

What will happen? The Board and the NCRD will go back to the budget and make adjustments. New eyes may need to look for what it will take for the NCRD to be self sufficient. They may look to see if the athletic dept only looks top heavy, based on usage, or is top heavy? Raise class fees to users? Have the Friends of NCRD take Patty’s advice and look for new fundraising ideas? Identify the effectiveness with the company the NCRD board irresponsibly approved $10,000 (the bid was $7,000?) to raise money for the NCRD & pool project?

You may ask: Why is she being such a dog with a bone about VOTING NO for CHANGE?

AGAIN, once you hear, you can’t unhear. As one who has attended many, many board meetings and witnessed over and over and over again the Boards & ED’s dismissiveness of Community questions/concerns, (‘you can’t please everyone’); the disinterest regarding our teens/tweens about their recreation after demolishing the Skateramp (‘they should be grateful, we’re building them a nine million dollar pool)’; the discrimination of the mobility challenged regarding no stage access in the PAC (“I have a disability, you don’t see me asking for special favors”); the ignorance/discrimination of not recognizing there is no street access to the pickle-ball courts (‘do people in wheelchairs play pickle-ball’) the arrogance and non-action to even FORM A COMMITTEE to address any of the above issues (‘73% of the voters passed the levy last time’). Yes, all stated OUT LOUD by the Board and I can’t unhear…

We as Community for Community have the opportunity RIGHT NOW to demand ATTENTION be paid to the INTENTION of the mission statement and interrupt the status queue. Or we can fulfill on Einsteins warning: “The world is a dangerous place, not because of those that do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.”

The mission statement of the North County Recreation District (NCRD): To promote the educational, recreational, social and physical well being of the entire North Tillamook County community by offering activities for all ages and abilities in an inviting environment.

Swing by and see how inviting/accessible the pickle-ball courts are if you use a wheelchair?