Singing Bowl Meditation at Graceful Waves Wellness Center – October 20th @4pm and 6pm

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Seasonal Sound Meditation Series:
This series of sound meditations focus on the gifts of each season. Consciously aligning to nature can assist us through the natural cycles of life; death, hibernation/contemplation, rebirth and bounty. Please join us for this series that will take you on a reflective, healing journey throughout the next four seasons.

Friday, October 20th- Fall Sound Meditation:
Two sessions; 4:00 and 6:00
What in your life needs to fall away? This meditation will focus on releasing that which no longer serves you.

Friday, January 19th- Winter Sound Meditation:
Two sessions; 4:00 and 6:00
Winter is a time of contemplation and self-reflection. What will emerge for you in the silent contemplation of winter?

Friday April 19th- Spring Sound Meditation:
Two sessions; 4:00 and 6:00
After the long quiet winter, spring is the time to plant the seeds of your dreams. What do you want to create in your life?

Friday July 19th- Summer Sound Meditation:
Two sessions; 4:00 and 6:00
Summer is a time to celebrate your bounty! The seeds that you planted in spring have taken root and are now producing the fruits of your intentions.
This is a time to celebrate what you have created in the past year!

$35 for each session
$30 per session if you commit and pay for all 4 sessions go to:…/ click on view products/packages press add to cart for seasonal sound meditation series, check out than use the code when scheduling your appointments.

Please arrive 15 minutes early to get settled into position before the group meditation begins. Doors will be locked once the session begins to avoid disturbances. We will not be able to let folks in who arrive late.

Yoga mat or can be provided by Graceful Waves
Something to cover your eyes (optional, but highly recommended) Something intentional to place on the altar (optional)

We look forward to seeing you at the Singing Bowl Meditation!

Book Here:

Graceful Waves Wellness Center is located at
206 S. Marine Dr
Wheeler, Or 97147