I would rather than be excluded for those I include than included for those I exclude

Submitted By: Constance@nehalemtel.net – Click to email about this post
Community, I absolutely respect and value all the personal experiences shared. I relate to each and every one as they were also my experiences.

Please know, for 13 years I was you, and more! I helped raise over $100,000 with Friends for the NCRD. I barked during intermissions for donations, I was involved and partnered with Lucy with 2 PAC’s in ‘09 & ‘15. I’ve written letters of support, I’ve passed out buttons, I’ve walked the talk, I WAS YOU!

BUT, once you hear, you CAN NOT unhear, once you see, you CAN NOT unsee….

The difference now is I am ashamed and embarrassed for the almost boasting of my experiences, especially seeing and hearing where those experiences are not available for all. AND our tax dollars perpetuate the inequities as the Board and ED are not willing to shift their context, creating the ability Hear and See what is right in front of their noses.

When I had my ears and eyes opened by the ‘others’ in our Communities who have had very, VERY different experiences than us, I knew I had to take action. We are the privileged as we can easily get onto the stage, the pickle-ball courts, we don’t need to sit down front in the PAC due to vision or hearing loss then not have the beautiful ADA bathrooms easily accessible to us. ‘They’ are also Member’s of our Communities and deserve to be seen, heard and valued with the same opportunities to experience all the NCRD has to offer!

The ACTION I am intending with my NO VOTE is to interrupt the long-standing context the Board and ED operate from. READ again (which was not disavowed by even one person): “Why are you poking your nose into this’, ‘I have a disability, you don’t see me asking for special favors’; ‘You don’t want to get on the wrong side of the board, we have our own way of doing things’.” Once you hear, you can’t unhear.

If the NCRD is for ALL in the community, why haven’t committees been formed to look for stage access for those with mobility challenges in the PAC or wheelchair access to the Pickle-ball courts from the street? Or a committee to look at the replacement of recreation since dismantling the skate-ramp for our Tweens/teens?; Or a Community Advocacy Committee to demonstrate the Board gives a damn for the ‘Community’? Once you see, you can’t unsee.

I VOTE NO to financially supporting the NCRD with my tax dollars until the NCRD demonstrates a shift in their context of operations. I want to see a plan of Action demonstrating each and every person in the District is included, has accessibility and is being honored and valued.

Words are cheap, Action Speak! VOTE NO.