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If you’re a gardener, take a minute after reading this to take a good look at your garden and ask yourself this: how do my small trees and big shrubs add to the overall aesthetic of this space?

Some guesses here: they add weight, size, bulk; they flowered a few months back; their leaves are turning color; they feed wildlife; they distract from the neighbor’s house.

All those are important. Absolutely! But if you study your favorite specimens, whether maple, dogwood, Hinoki cypress, pine, whatever, you might also start seeing inherent, powerful shapes hiding among the branches and leaves.

And once you can discern those shapes, you might then use a few sharp tools and a whole lot of know-how to release the muscular, sinewy sculptures hiding in your garden.

Are you game? ‘Cause that’s where we’re going!

Join us this Saturday, 9am-3pm, for a day-long immersion into the ART OF ADVANCED PRUNING with the Wonder Garden’s favorite pruning instructor, Maryann Lewis.

Here’s what to expect:

We’ll spend the morning at a stunning Manzanita garden with choice trees and shrubs that have grown out of scale. Through give and take with Maryann, we’ll learn step-by-step how to ‘see’ the potential shape of certain plants and strategize pruning cuts to reveal their forms.

In the afternoon we’ll be unleashed into the Wonder Garden (under supervision!) and will work in teams on selected overgrown trees to restore their scale, enhance their shape, and bump up the Wonder in the WG.

Class space is limited to provide individual attention!

Sign up here: