Rabbit’s Garden Longevity Club Pot Luck

Submitted By: wingsforwisdom@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
SUNDAY 10/15/23
12pm-3pm roughly Please RSVP to attend Nehalem indoor/outdoor gathering wingsforwisdom@gmai.com 971.977.0166
*Enjoy potluck meal filled with community love and blessings *Discuss topics of longevity lifestyle, how each of us are incorporating aspects into our daily lives or where we feel need for improvement and would like inspiration and support.
Agenda: 12-12:30 arrive, gather, set-up pot luck offerings 12:30 circle up for introductions and discussion 1 – 1:30 easy qigong for digestion and energy 1:30 eat and socialize Afterward, I go for a hike (weather appropriate.) Anyone welcome to join or break out for walk elsewhere with others in the group. etc.
Host: Time and Tide Health Coaching Elizabeth Golden Seaver “Libby” (She/her)