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Although many people do not realize it, the places we call forests are mostly “tree plantations”, devoid of natural understory vegetation. The great naturally occurring old growth stands have long since been obliterated. Prudent management should be to avoid clear-cuts. However, industry will want what is easiest and most profitable. The biggest risk currently is loss of drinking water to virtually all the coastal communities in Oregon. Continued deforestation without regard to watershed concerns will result in minimal sequestration of water at the surface and underground. With rising air temperatures (climate degradation) evaporation rates will soar resulting in a total reduction and eventual loss of flowing water that currently supplies the coastal populations. Wise stewardship goes beyond what is being done today, and instead prepares for the looming crisis in our near future as water availability dwindles not only locally but world wide. This summer Nehalem almost ran out of water. What will the next year bring with even hotter temperatures? “Those who fail to prepare are preparing to fail” -Benjamin Franklin. PS:This statement is the authors opinion. Other persons will have to form their own.