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Dear Community, you’ve been reading many heartfelt requests from people who support the NCRD 5 year operations tax levy, all from good intentions.

And, that was me for 13 years, from 2008-2021! I was right there with them; pounding the pavement, barking for donations, asking for support, and pushing the 2 prior PAC’s along with Lucy. Some people were surprised I didn’t work for the NCRD as involved as I was. When I started hearing concerns from community members I became alarmed at how many people in our 3 Villages are NOT supportive of the NCRD. At first I would say a bit arrogantly and defensively, ‘I’m sorry that was your experience, it just hasn’t been mine’.

It was suggested the ‘culture’ of the NCRD may be the source of the problems, so I started watching, listening, going to Board meetings, asking questions. I’ve been told most of my questions and concerns are valid, it’s my ‘delivery’ that’s not appreciated.
Take a moment to read again what was said directly to me when meeting with a BM while specifically looking for stage accessibility in the PAC: ‘Why are you poking your nose in this’, ‘I have a disability, you don’t see me asking for special favors’; ‘You don’t want to get on the wrong side of the board, we have our own way of doing things’. Again, not one board member or staff disputed OR countered those statements, not one. The culture of the NCRD is directly correlate to the culture of the Board and staff. Are you concerned with any of this?

I understand some may not understand why I’m voting no, if I ‘truly support the NCRD’? So I ask you to ask 5 people in your community (who do not use the NCRD) and ask them, why not? You may be surprised….

It’s not for those who are happy with the NCRD that I am urging a no vote, it’s for those in our communities who the board and staff of NCRD have written off as dispensable or accepted the notion, we don’t need to change ‘You can’t please everyone’.

It’s for the teens/tweens who no longer have ‘their’ recreation because the Board thought ‘they’ should be grateful for the new pool and took away the skate ramp with no conversation for ‘What do our kids do now?’

It’s for those in our aging communities who may want to participate on stage in the PAC and won’t because there is no accessibility and the Board/staff bias toward accessibility is granting special favors?

Or for those in wheelchairs who may want to play pickle-ball yet there is no street access and our board/staff question if people in wheelchairs play pickle-ball?

My dream is for having the NCRD be a treasure for ALL is ATTAINABLE. I believe in the mission statement: the NCRD Provides the Educational, Recreational, Social and Physical well being for the entire North County Community by providing activities for all ages and abilities in an inviting environment.

AND change is not going to happen as long as the stats quo culture is supported with OUR tax dollars.

Again, Voting down the levy will not be the end of the NCRD. It will not be the end of the no-pool pool project or the end of the swim program or after-school program. What it will do, it will send a clear message change is needed.

I’ll repeat myself. If you are one who has had a negative experience, or been treated with less than respect with the NCRD staff or board. Vote No.

If you are one who experiences the NCRD as not listening to the needs for ‘all ages and abilities’ as stated in the (nowhere to be displayed) mission statement. Vote No.

If you are someone whose experience of requesting clarity, or asking questions to the board or the NCRD is as effective as spitting in the wind, Vote No.

If you are someone who doesn’t trust the NCRD, or the Board, for any reason. Vote No.

If you are someone who believes the NCRD’s adult programs cater to retiree hours or those who can afford to pay. Vote No.

If you believe the NCRD functions as an ‘old boys club’, Vote No.

If you are someone who is no longer using the NCRD for any reason, Vote No.

If you supported the pool because of our children’s need to learn to swim and now have learned the School has reduced the school swim program to 1/3 of what it was. Vote No.

If you believe the board should be seeking a permanent Executive Director and won’t. Vote No.

If you believe the board should create a committee, committed to stage accessibility for those with mobility concerns in the PAC and won’t. Vote No.

If you believe the board should create a Community Action Committee to see what the community want’s and needs, and won’t. Vote No.

Voting down the levy will not be the end of the NCRD. It will not be the end of the no-pool pool project or the end of the swim program or after-school program. What it will do, it will send a clear message from the community change is what is wanted and needed for being heard, being valued and being treated with respect.