NCRD belongs to our community

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We strongly support a “Yes for NCRD” vote for renewal of the current five-year option tax for General Operations. This measure renews the current local option tax with no change in current taxation. We think the summary on the ballot describes it best:

“North County Recreation District will use the tax revenue from this measure to operate the district at its present level of service.
Property taxes pay for recreation and health program services in aquatics, fitness, youth, and activities for adults, and operating costs such as the existing swimming pool operation, utilities, general administration, and minor maintenance.
Major capital expenditures are paid using timber tax and other non-property tax sources of income. Savings for these major capital costs, which include a fund for a replacement swimming pool, do not come from property taxes.”

I have been privileged to serve on NCRD’s Budget Committee for a few years and have witnessed the fine stewardship of NCRD’s Administration and Board. Please consider going to and open the first entry, the 2023-24 Budget. As you page through it, it is apparent how many programs are supported for residents of all ages, including children and senior citizens. In doing so, NCRD has kept budget increases to a minimum.

NCRD belongs to our community. It’s ours, it belongs to all of us, and it has consistently demonstrated its value. Whether taking a fitness class, attending a play, viewing artwork on display, or swimming in the pool—and these are just some of the offerings— there are abundant opportunities to develop and enjoy a sense of community. If there happened to be a national competition for rural community recreation organizations, we think NCRD would come out the top.

We absolutely need to continue this operational support levy by voting “Yes”. If it is not passed, it would have devastating consequences that would be hard to recoup. If you look at page 10 of the budget (please see link) the local option is $573,187.00. That’s 31% of the budget. Just imagine the loss of staff, programs, and support for so many parts of our community if it failed. NCRD is a vital hub of fundamental importance to the community. Please keep it intact by voting yes.

Robert and Sharon Borgford