FatFabFeminist tweet

Submitted By: andynorris21@yahoo.com – Click to email about this post
The anti-science totally-useless-against-SARS-in-kids (or anyone else) school shutdowns sponsored by Pfizer and Google (Zoom) screwed our children up WAY MORE than I thought!

Oh my!

Donald Trump and Anthony Fauci and Joe Biden and Governor Brown and the OHA and Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab and the elderly teachers union heads and state/county/local Democrat and Republican officials and their staffs and our local school board officials completely f*ucked over an entire generation of school children!


Sorry kiddos!


Again, where are the lawyers?

Where are the apologies from state, county, and school officials?


Governor Kotek? Will you apologize for what your office did to our children when Governor Brown was in your position? Will you apologize for what the tyrannical OHA did to our kids and small businesses on behalf of their BigTech/Farma corporate masters?

Where are the pledges to NEVER DO THIS TO OUR CHILDREN AGAIN?

Mary Faith Bell? Melissa Bayouth? Does anyone at all in Oregon government have the guts to admit how badly you all screwed up? How badly you all screwed over our kids?

Governor Kotek?



Or would you all prefer to fight to preserve your perceived right to screw over our children again?

An apology for closing our schools from the OHA and the Governor’s office would go a long way for the people of Oregon. It would be especially meaningful to our children.

Has anyone in Oregon government run the numbers? How many more Oregonians would be alive today if Governor Brown made decisions according to common sense, science and reason instead of bending the knee for homicidal narcissist liar Anthony Fauci and the corrupt murderous billionaires at Pfizer? How many more Oregonians would be alive today if she made the sane, calm, science-based decison to BE LIKE SWEDEN?

Oregonians need Nuremburg 2.0 right now. We cannot let them get away with killing us like this; we can’t let them get away with destroying so many of our children’s lives.

And across the river, the World Economic Forum’s goon Jay Inslee is just as stupid about science, also on his knees for Pfizer and willing to kill his constituents for them, and just as guilty of murdering Washingtonians as Gov. Brown is of murdering Oregonians. What a loser he is. What a loser they both are. Where are the lawsuits? These two murderous Big Pharma/Big Tech-loving politicians should be in jail for life.
