Need a CHEAP, DEPENDABLE sedan !!!

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Hello, my name is Tom Moore, everyone.

I am in need of a cheap, dependable vehicle, preferably a sedan (four door car) with a 5 speed manual transmission (stick-shift).
I a homeless but working 52 year old male with no family support structure growing up.

On August 4th, 2023 at about 7:30 am I was the victim of a road-rage attack between the end of Hwy 26 and Cannon Beach.

My vehicle was totaled and, though my assailant is in jail, he had no valid insurance and I only had basic liability insurance, therefore I am left with, despite a rollover/spin in my 1993 Toyota pickup, only a dislocated left shoulder with fractures on the ball that inserts into the socket and temporarily unable to work, but have been homeless and living outside around the Clackamas River in Carver ever since my discharge from Legacy-Emanuel Hospital in Portland to avoid the many drug addicts and mentally ill on Portland’s streets.

I was working for Cannon Beach Landscaping Service before I was attacked and injured but slept in my vehicle at night between Hwy 26 and Cannon Beach off of US 101 after escaping a bad situation in the East San Francisco Bay Area of California and restarting my life in Cannon Beach, (I love the region from Tillamook to Fort Stevens but especially Hug Point to Les Shirley Park), where I was in the process of applying for an apartment in the days just before the attack, which I have fond memories of as my grandfather, Darrell Moore, used to own a business there, Cannon Beach Liquor when it was next to the American Legion Post.

I only need a CHEAP DEPENDABLE vehicle that I can get the title to, register and insure to continue my little dream and get back to work once my doctor clears me for it. I am unable to work until at least September due to my injury but wish to get back to Cannon Beach as soon as possible.

I do have an Oregon State driver’s license and a clean driving and criminal record

My cell number is 925-550-5248 and my email address is

Thank you for time and consideration.

Thomas C Moore