Gardeners Delight

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As summer fades into fall we are harvesting and preparing for pruning, tucking in, supporting wildlife through the winter and preparing for spring vibes. We wanted to let you know about a few things we have on hand to help you through all of these transitions:

Native Plant Sale with Aldervale Natives
September 2nd 10am -4pm
Corner of Manzanita and Division on the Dirty Birds Lot
Summer is winding down and that little bit of rain got us excited about adding more natives to our garden. So we reached out to local native plant specialist and grower Hope Stanton. If you have not met Hope you need to. So come on by September 2nd from 10-4 and ask her all of the questions and buy plants from her!

Late summer/fall are ideal times to plant trees, shrubs, groundcovers, and grasses in the Pacific Northwest. The sale will include PNW plants for both sandy, salty, summer drought conditions and shadier spots. Sun and sand tolerant include: Manzanita, Wax myrtle, a low growing Ceonanthus, Shore pine and Dune tansy and others. Shade loving plants include Vine maple, Wild ginger, Oregon boxwood, and Devil’s club.

Native plant seed packets will also be available.

A list of available plants can be found at their website

Only 3 yards left so come and get it while it lasts.
$5/5 gallon bucket
Bring your own buckets/totes or use our burlap bags
Email or text us to let us know how much you want and to set an appointment.

Worm Bins/Vermicomposting
Our community worm bins are doing great so keep the goodness coming.
Join the Compost Club by emailing us

Do you want us to help you get a worm bin set up at home? We have two bin systems available and can work with you to set it up, add some worms from our worm family, and help with any ongoing troubleshooting. If you have a garage or a covered outdoor space, we can get you set up. Email us

Happy gardening!