Don’t Portland my Tillamook

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During times of economic instability, crime goes up – and crime has increased tremendously in Oregon and other big cities in this country, and also in smaller coastal cities and town. Fentanyl is here now! Many of the homeless are settling in our little coastal villages. There are increasing reports of thefts and home break-ins. I think we need more deputies. BUT the County seeks to cut six County Sheriffs Deputy positions already funded in a recent proposed budget. They want to transfer the money to a contingency fund where it could be spent on anything. They want a new city hall! Personnel cuts to the Sheriffs Office were the most financially impacted of all the county departments.
This is what I have to say about that: During times of economic instability, crime goes up – and crime has increased tremendously in Oregon and other big cities in this country, and also in smaller coastal cities and town. Fentanyl is here now! Many of the homeless are settling in our little coastal villages. There are increasing reports of thefts and home break-ins. I think we need six more deputies. My opinion of the county commissioners is not good. They are definitely not small business friendly and they don’t seem to be county friendly either. They want to cut law enforcers in a time of more crime. You can make a statement about this by sending an e-mail to: