Manzanita Conversations with Council – Thank you!

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Dear Manzanita Community,

The Manzanita City Council would like to thank all who attended the April Conversations with Council sessions where we discussed city hall. We deem it a great success—not only based on our observations but also on the many of you who attended and took the time to give us your feedback.

Attendees said they felt heard, got answers, and learned more about the process. The council members walked away with fresh ideas and a better understanding of the community’s perspectives—all of which will help us as we move forward.

And speaking of decision-making, May is packed full of council meetings: budget committee meetings, a short-term rental committee meeting, our regular council session, and a council workshop. These sessions will provide us with more information that we will pair with what we heard from you to make more informed decisions.

Given the time and effort we put into preparing for and attending the meetings, we will hold our next Conversations with Council sessions in June. Stay tuned for the topics and dates! Meanwhile, we’d like to hear more from you. Please send us ideas you’d like to discuss, city government procedures you’d like to hear about, preferences for the format, and dates and times you’d like us to host our Conversations with Council.


Manzanita City Council

Linda Kozlowski
Jerry Spegman
Jenna Edginton
Brad Mayerle