Why ME for NCRD

Submitted By: constanceforncrd@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
#1 reason, NCRD needs me, around me people and organizations excel as WE get things done!

You may ask ‘where’s the evidence’? Well, I looked and since moving to Nehalem I am shocked to discover, working with others WE raised over $172,000.00 for the community! This is no accident. I live an intentional life. I don’t ‘hope’ I don’t ‘try’, I do. I take on being involved in our community, for US to make a difference, to empower. Around me organizations and people excel–WE excel.

Let me show you the money:

WE raised over $100,000 for NCRD programs and projects during the 13 years I served on the Friends of NCRD fundraising board

Nehalem Bay Garden Club, raised $7500 last year alone. As a member/President of the club, WE hold a Plant Sale during Mother’s Day weekend, and all monies raised go to support local needs.

Since joining the White Clover Grange in 2021, becoming a Board Member and taking on the Accountability of Treasurer, WE secured over $64,350 from grants and events! We brought back Pie Day: $11,000.00; TLT grant: $46,750; PUD grant: $4,000: Tourism grant: $2600 and more.

For the last two years very little new money has been secured from grants by the NCRD. WE, the NCRD, needs money. I will join others to bring that intention. Around me money comes…..just saying

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