Vote for NCRD Board Positions

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I would like to encourage every eligible voter in the Community to vote in the up coming election for the North County Recreation District (NCRD) candidate of your choice.

These are important positions that benefit the Community over all. I only ask you to keep in mind that these Board seats are about the ‘“US’s” of the community not the “ ME’s”. It is about supporting an institution that started as a scrappy startup and over the years has grown into an extraordinary strong and vital institution to our Community – NCRD. We received International Financial recognition when Standard and Poor’s evaluated NCRD as a A+ Investment Grade Bond issuer and that must be preserved. NCRD is a living testament to the “US’s” of our community.

NCRD has been able to grow and prosper because of the Community’s willingness to devote their Time, Energy and Money to this extraordinary institution not for the sake of any individual ego’s but for the good of the Community over all.

In that spirit, we invite the entire Community to: 1). VOTE! 2). join “US” at the Pool Ground Breaking on May 9, 2023 at 4PM. Please bring your own trowel or shovel. There will be no “Officials” there to take credit but instead NCRD gives credit where it belongs, to the Community as a whole…..the Community did it without help from any officials. We, the Community, did it ourselves! Please come celebrate!

Jack Bloom
Board President