DOBERMAN attack on Manzanita Beach

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I’m in the dunes in that area almost every day with my little Corgi, but do not think we’ve ever seen a Doberman. Thanks for the warning. I’ll let you know if we see that dog.

Dog owners should know their dog’s behavior and be responsible. There is already sentiment here that leashes be required on the beach. However leashes ARE required in the state park yet I see many off-leash anyway. While dogs I’ve seen off-leash in the state park have been friendly, my experience on the beach has been different – my Corgi has been attacked many times on the beach and sadly most of the owners didn’t give a damn.

At least this Doberman has a muzzle. But any dog that aggressively gets into other dogs’ business should be on a leash. I have made a point of loudly calling out irresponsible dog owners in the past, and will continue to do so.
