Submitted By: johncollier53@yahoo.com – Click to email about this post
Manzanita has been my full-time home for the past 6 years. I have watched and learned about our community for most of those years, and as Covid waned I have started becoming more involved.

That involvement eventually led me to Brad Mayerle. We met in a neighborhood group and have had several creative discussions about our town. Though they often wander our talks mostly revolve around how to enhance those things we love about Manzanita, and avoid those things that could dilute its appeal to us and others.

It has been clear after each encounter that Brad listens. Not only to me, but other neighbors as well. And he always seems to understand what we are saying. Not that he always agrees [with me at least], but he gets it. He genuinely wants to bridge our differences. No denigration of others or their ideas. Just thoughtful reasoned unselfish dialog.

That’s why this November I’m voting for BRAD MAYERLE for City Council.
Thanks for listening .
John Collier .