Hoffman Center for the Arts presents Printmaking Workshop

Submitted By: toni@rbogen.com – Click to email about this post
Visual Arts Workshop
Printmaking Workshop with Ben Rosenberg
October 27-29 | 10:00am-4:00pm
Tuition $240 | Materials fee $25
Hoffman Center | 594 Laneda Avenue | Manzanita
This class requires proof of vaccination

Join Ben Rosenberg as he introduces the principles and practices of creating monoprints and monotypes. Monotype is a distinctive print made by pressing paper against a painted or inked surface. When creating a monotype, it cannot be replicated again. It is a highly individual creation, much like painting, as it allows for spontaneity, “happy accidents,” and working along a plate surface to bring a wide range of marks that can be obtained through the creation of an image.

Topics include basic theory and use of color and composition in working with water-based, mixed media, and a variety of surfaces. This workshop will involve both conceptual approaches and direct observations using still life, the figure, abstract composition, and a variety of student investigative resources.

You will explore various monotype styles, techniques, and media used with rollers, stencils, textured surfaces, brushes, and various inventive wiping tools to create unusual one-of-a-kind prints.

Through lectures, demonstrations, discussions, and printing time, participants will develop a command of the technical aspects of monotypes and monoprints (color mixing, paint application, materials), and the properties of creating an image (line and shape, color concept, composition, abstraction) and an understanding of how formal choices create meaning.

Each day will begin with a lecture and discussion, followed by an afternoon for studio time. This class is a place where you can engage your own artistic interest and explore your personal voice.

Bring your ideas and be willing to take them further. It is a time and place to soak up everything you can and take risks.
