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Dear Wheeler Residents:
I am running for a 4-year term on Wheeler City Council. I have attended Council meetings for 2 years. I have listened and learned.

I am committed to working for the best possible future for Wheeler in three ways:
· Strengthening our financial stability;
· Protecting our beautiful environment, watershed and water-
service systems; and
· Supporting sensitive, responsible development.

The decisions that will affect our future will not be easy. They will not be quick or simple to implement, inexpensive or favored by all residents. I will collaborate in making these decisions by seeking input from Wheeler residents, working
closely with business owners and other Councilors and by listening to experts, as we decide the
best courses of action to take. Our priorities must include growth management, infrastructure
maintenance, emergency preparedness, ensuring essential services for all ages, and how best to
share resources with our neighbors to make certain Wheeler is prepared to meet the challenges of
our future.

I value respect, honesty and teamwork. I have decades of government experience. I urge all
residents to closely study the issues that affect our City and to participate in the decision-making
process; this is a fundamental right of our democratic government. I want to know your interests and ideas. Please feel free to contact me.

I am committed to Wheeler’s future. Let’s work together.

Mary Leverette