Nehalem Bay Health District Monthly Meeting

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Nehalem Bay Health District
Regular Meeting
7:00 PM, Wednesday, September 14, 2022
Location: Zoom Remote Video Conferencing

This Meeting is open to the public.
The Zoom link is below for members of the public who wish to attend
Direct your questions to:


7:00 PM NBHD Regular Meeting Agenda

I. Call to order

II. Nehalem Bay Health District’s DEI Statement

III. Consent Agenda:
A. Approval of NBHD August minutes
B. CEO’s August financial report

IV. Public comment

V. New Business
A. CEO project update
B. Discussion and approval of Scott Edwards
Design Services Proposal
C. Consideration of North Tillamook County
Library book storage in old hospital

VI. Old Business
A. Website buildout and content update
B. Discussion of board expansion and
consideration of proposed resolution 2022-06
C. Resolution 2022-07 Change of board meeting schedule
D. Proposed CEO job description update discussion and approval
E. Information only: final housing development survey
