REPLY TO WIN WIN , Planning Commission

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This “Concern Citizens of Manzanita” growing group gives me hope for our community after listening , to the Planning commission meeting.
. The “outside investors,” who do not live here but want to invest here because we are quaint, village-like, charming and beautiful, destroy and remove what precisely attracted them by imposing their HUGE structures upon us.
People have moved here to find, a simpler, quieter, & healthier life. . Families ride their bikes along Dorcas, kids on skates board swing onto 5 th to play Basket ball because none of this is allowed on Laneda. Dorcas’ safeness is now threatened by drivers who do not look right and left. Recently this young investor who wants to built 30 + unit says he wants to be a good neighbor. But I ask our community, “who wants to have a neighbor with 30 + guests everyday?”
Be aware that what tried to happen on Classic, is now trying to happen in your neighborhood!
Thank you, Deb Simons, for your post. I barely know you but people have a lot of respect for you.