June 2-26 | 1:00-5:00pm, Thursday through Sunday
Hoffman Gallery is free and open to the public
Hoffman Center for the Arts | 594 Laneda Avenue | Manzanita
Featuring the works of
Katherine McDowell and Ben Killen Rosenberg
Katherine McDowell – Abstract Seascapes
“These prints have been selected from my “Lake Monotype” series. Started in 2008, this series contains over 450 original, one-of-a-kind prints inspired by Lake Michigan. This work is a celebration of my love for the colors and textures of nature. They are made by layering various colored printing inks onto a plexiglass plate with rollers, brayers and paintbrushes, then running the plate through a hand-cranked press with the highest quality printmaking paper. The term “monotype” means that only one print can be made so each one is unique.”
Ben Killen Rosenberg
“Where the Wonder Garden now is, the old Hoffman house used to sit. Studio space rented for $100 a month and for a time before its demolition, I had a small studio on the second floor. I come from a family of gleaners and artists so when there was a call to help clear out and take down the building, I showed up to see what might be salvaged. Between the floor and the subfloor, I discovered a vapor barrier made of large sections of movie posters and advertisements from the 40’s. Some were in remarkably good shape; all were large and in sections. The more I looked at them, the more I saw the stereotypes and unintended irony of the images for viewers now. The subtext intrigues me, and that’s true of all my work. These monotypes and monoprints are all inspired from these posters.”
See more at hoffmanarts.org/events/june-2022-gallery-show/