Emergency Support for Bunkhouse Restaurant

Submitted By: Rumblemailbox@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
I am writing to encourage all of our local citizens and visitors to support the Bunkhouse Restaurant between Manzanita and Nehalem. They have worked so hard to survive the pandemic and serve us at their own risk. They are a cherished part of our community. Unfortunately, the addition of the political flags at the entrance of their parking lot (which are not theirs and do not reflect their views) has created a downturn in business. Due to the extreme political divisions in our country right now, people are more likely to be offended by the flags and to not patronize the businesses there. We all have the right to display our political choices, but in this case it is destroying the ability of The Bunkhouse Restaurant to survive. I urge the people who posted the flags to reconsider and be kind. Perhaps they can be displayed in a place where they do no harm. It’s probably hurting their business, too. In the meantime, please patronize the restaurant! Thank you!