Introduction to Photography
with Gregg Goolsby
Session 1 – May 21-22 | 10:00am-2:00pm
Session 2 – June 4 | 10:00am-1:00pm | June 5 | 10:00am-2:00pm
Tuition $200
Hoffman Center for the Arts | 594 Laneda Avenue | Manzanita
Beginning Photography Course Description
This workshop will require proof of vaccination
We want to make you a better photographer! This is the first in a series of courses for those who want to improve their basic photography skills. This class takes place over 4 days and 2 weekends. It is designed for those who have digital cameras that allow for adjustments to key settings like aperture, shutter speed, and ISO. Ideal camera types for this course include mirrorless DSLRs, as well as certain compact “point & shoot” cameras. Some of the topics we will explore include:
Basic camera functionality and operation
Developing the eye of a photographer
Creative expression
Harnessing the power of light and using the exposure “triad”
Equipment and proper usage including lenses, filters, and tripods
Basic composition
How to photograph flowers and art
Workflow and an introduction to image editing
Proof of vaccination required.
Follow this link for more information or to register: