A raffle for a iRobot Vacuum Model 805 Roomba, complete with all the paperwork in the cardboard tray it came in. Tickets are $5 each or 6 for $20.
River City Flower Farm will be selling their dried flower arrangements and wreaths as well as dahlia bulbs. Please note that they will only be there on Saturday.
There will be gifts for Mom, including garden themed cards handmade by Garden Club members.
The sale will be held this weekend: Saturday, May 7th from 9-4 and Sunday, May 8th from 10 to noon. Location of the sale is 43080 Northfork Rd, Nehalem at the junction of Hwy 53 and Northfork Rd. Look for the horse sculpture!
And don’t forget we have TOMATOES! About 600 gallon pots of at least 19 varieties of tomatoes will be available including heirloom, cherry, grape, roma and beefsteak types among others. These varieties were specifically chosen by experienced members because they are proven performers in our coastal climate.
Besides tomatoes, club members have started other vegetables from seed so gardener’s plant selections will be available from a local source. Also on offering will be the club’s usual annuals, perennials, natives, herbs, succulents, shrubs, and trees.
Club members want to share their appreciation to the folks at the Lower Nehalem Community Trust. Since Alder Creek Farm is not having a plant sale this year, due to a gap in garden management resources, they graciously made their hoop house available for the Club’s use. It is currently stocked with the tomatoes growing big and lush in the heat and light of the hoop house.
Nehalem Bay Garden Club donates proceeds from the sale to local organizations that share the Club’s mission. Recently the focus for these grants has been on food security. Past recipients include North County Food Bank, Nehalem Bay United Methodist Church for their food programs, Food Roots, Hoffman Gardens, Alder Creek Farm, Nehalem Elementary Garden Program, and the mural at Nehalem City Park.