The HomeGrown Farm Stand, dedicated to Shelly Bowe, that resided at Kendra’s River Inn for a couple seasons, has now moved a bit to north down Hwy. 53 to the White Clover Grange. In keeping with The Grange’s mission to support local agriculture, it seemed a perfect fit for the local area farm stand. When Kendra Hall-Bramall moved and closed the River Inn, local area residents wanted to ensure the Farm Stand continued, and so did Kendra.
Enter the Grange – the perfect place for the Farm Stand!
Open daily, starting tomorrow Monday April 18th at noon, the farm stand features locally-produced organic vegetables, plants and more. The self-serve stand has a variety of plants available – and more arriving weekly.
The Farm Stand proceeds will go to benefit the Grange’s building maintenance fund.
Got good stuff growing? Want to sell your produce or products at Shelly Bowe’s HomeGrown Farm Stand – text or call Kendra at 503-801-1442.
“We want the Farm Stand to be another retail outlet for our local gardeners, farmers and produces,” said Kendra. “All to benefit the Grange.”
HomeGrown Farm Stand at the White Clover Grange, 36585 Highway 53, Mohler.